Just accidentally deleted a project

A really important one

I meant only to load it, I guess I turned the knob while clicking and without looking at what I was doing confirmed the “save current project?” thing by muscle memory but it must have been the “are you sure you wanna delete this?” thing

I’ve sent a support request to Elektron … months of work … there must be a way

If you had no backup I would think you’re out of luck. It has happened to all of us with elektron instruments, take a day or two to mourn and then rebuild it better


It wouldn’t be so bad but this is the second time it’s happened with the same project. A 7 song set…

It’s very sad, but unfortunately a part of the process of learning these machines.

I think everyone once erased something or lost a project. There are many threads like this one on this forum…
In my case, I discovered that A4 had a shortcut to load a project (Fn+long press on save project) while thinking I was of course saving a 2 year old unsaved project.

Own your mistake, mourn for a moment then commit to create something better!


It should not be possible to delete projects so easily

There’s no analog in the real world for such an easy and final mistake

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Terrible to have lost so much work, and I hope for your sake there might be a way to get it back (though it doesn’t seem likely to me). But you did say you thought you confirmed “are you sure you wanna delete this?” didn’t you ?

Well, it is.
It’s infuriating for sure.
But cherish this error you made cause you learned something major and won’t get caught ever again, as this needle will always be in your mind.

Commit to backup your projects regularly if they are precious. Record tracks.

Music is an impermanent thing by nature.


Welcome to the Platinum level of the Elektronauts club.

Sometimes it’s easy to see why some people wouldn’t touch elektron gear with a big stick. But now, at some point in the next week or two, you’re gonna make a killer track that you’d never have made if you hadn’t wiped your project.




Thank you … this was a comforting statement

I don’t know if I want to make it again or move on this time. It was getting pretty intricate and I was happy with it. Don’t know how I’d improve on it, given the Cycles’ limitations it wasn’t easy getting it to sound good.

I told Elektron it’s far too easy … basically because you can accidentally turn the knob while clicking, it’s two clicks and deleted. The confirmation should default to Cancel. How could they miss that?

Not to mention … it would have been so easy to just zero a single byte and provide a recover option, if not on device then in Transfer or via MIDI or a boot menu. It’s all so absurd.

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Sorry if it came out insensitive. That was not my intention.

You can write your feature request to feature-request@elektron.se
Maybe your suggestion will help users to avoid this unfortunate incident.

It didn’t, that’s what I was saying. I did already. As a developer and musician I’d have made double sure I did everything I could to avoid such a situation for people. You don’t accidentally pick up a tape the wrong way and it explodes.

Whatever the safety, users will always have these moments when they just got comfortable until they erase their work.
I am very cautious, backup regularly on several hard drives, and still I lost work (I mean, music, but also some drone shootage, which bothered me way more).

Now the thing is the music I create today is IMO better produced than in the past, so I wouldn’t really care if I were to loose everything: I have evolved, so did my sound.

That’s what I meant. Let it go and move on. What you’ll build from scratch now will be better than what you had, for sure.
Oh, and when you’re satisfied with a Sound, don’t forget to save it individually for later recall. Although it’s fairly easy to recreate sounds on the Cycles, there are not that many parameters ^^

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Yeah, not the most clever implementation from Elektron.

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Truly an understatement

My friend said I should clean up what I have and release the old version as a demo of a lost project and move on.

My instinct is to redo it … I remember enough, though I know it would be agonizing (“no that’s not quite what it was”) unless I freed myself to create anew … again.

The deciding factor to me seems to be a matter of strategy, or cost vs reward. I had something that to me was promising, something pivotal and cathartic

A tiny part of my brain says it’s an opportunity to pivot again, but I mourn the now missing link

For sure the thing to do from now on is save new versions at milestones. At the least. I could have done that with so little effort and been alright now. I might have done that after loading it last night, because I’d been thinking about backing it up … I hadn’t yet because just irrational indecision, too many of the same project sprinkled around the list, put off the decision of how to handle it, I don’t like a mess … this mistake could have happened at any point except backing it up to PC I suppose. Last version backed up is May 2021. So it’s almost a year of work.

It’s so difficult because it really was refined, there was to my mind nothing to be changed only added / finished, record it, layer on vocals. Now it’s just an array of 0’s, perhaps because a programmer thought that it would be satisfying for it to wipe the entire slot.

Yes I see the value in starting again but there is a difference between losing a stepping stone and having your house burn down

I do have recordings of some of it. The first track, and vocal practices with a couple others. All mixed down, or sections, nothing good enough for any kind of final cut, just reference material

Friend agreed the way delete works is very bad

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Even backing up can fail at times at no fault of your own. It’s a bummer, sorry to hear.

I went to restore a backup of an awesome project on my DN. Apparently it won’t load due to newer firmware. Out of luck unless I downgrade I suppose.

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Hi Roger!

The worst thing could be that you loosing interest in something that brings you otherways joy if you now put too much into negative thoughts about that. I know that feeling - lost years ago ALL photos. The positive thing about that: I learned that backups are key.

And: I hope you don’t earn your monies and are ranting about hobby haha boxes. Perhaps that helps? Dunno :wink:

My advice: move on, learn from it.

Best wishes, G


I wanted to make money off of this. I’ve made money on gigs and album sales before. Not a ton but a promising amount. So a part of this feels like a tangible business loss.