Just how large is Elektron?


EDIT there it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQcZObUK-Y0

Oh yeah, forgot about this one… Nice to rewatch it, thanx! :wink:

I think this is a usefull reminder that this is a small human scale Cie with passionate people… especially these days… :stuck_out_tongue:

They are growing but still…

24 996 likes on Facebook, if that number is more or less their customer base size, 16 peepz to manage all of this…

i need to post this when it comes to facebook … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVfHeWTKjag

That would be a blast… A swedish Cie hand making their products paying chinese to like their FB page? :stuck_out_tongue:

The Elektron products are like their business - a lot of creative power in a very small unit.

It might mean that things happen more slowly than other larger companies, but at least you know every person at Elektron actaully gives a damn about the product and customers.

I read this article earlier about how Moog are now partially employee-owned, and it reminded me of this thread.


I cannot imagine that Elektron are even close to the size of Moog. As people get on this forum and complain about some often very minor issues, I think it is important to recognize just how small of a group of people there are working together to design and produce some of the most unique, cutting-edge musical instruments ever. It isn’t some faceless corporate behemoth. It’s a few people working together to design some really advanced tech.

Elektron, keep on doing what you do best.

I live in Asheville… there are a number of employee-owned businesses around here…

i doubt elektron is more than a couple handfuls of people in sweden, LA, tokyo… and some contract work done for various things when new products are in design phase.

there are many a successful gear company with a 20 to 30 small products that are built in house and are only a handful of people. not just talking about modular manufacturers. :wink:

if you want to compare elektron to another company look at DSI. seems a reasonable comparison. though i think DSI does more volume in sales.

edit: DSI has 8 employees as of 2013

" Dave Smith Instruments, started in 2002 and has eight employees in a small second-floor office in San Francisco’s Little Italy neighborhood."

Elektron is now 35 employees (according to a Swedish magazine article posted here recently).

Elektron is now 35 employees (according to a Swedish magazine article posted here recently).[/quote]
seems about right… w/3 offices in 3 different countries. pretty lean really. also they’re how old now? 15 years? or almost? or more? i don’t remember. but seems that’s slow and steady measured growth. well earned :slight_smile:

Elektron is now 35 employees (according to a Swedish magazine article posted here recently).[/quote]
seems about right… w/3 offices in 3 different countries. pretty lean really. also they’re how old now? 15 years? or almost? or more? i don’t remember. but seems that’s slow and steady measured growth. well earned :)[/quote]
Yup! They know what they’re doing, as does DSI, and Moog obviously.