Just joined the Digitone family

The thing with synths is that its all personal choice and preference.

I don’t have much space, so having multiple keybeds doesn’t work for me - I have a Keystep chained to my synths and set each track to a different channel.

1, 2, 3 and 4 are Analog Four tracks
5, 6, 7 and 8 are Digitone tracks
11, 12, 13, 14 , 15 and 16 are Model Samples tracks
9 and 10 are spares to use on something like my Eurorack CV Pal

It makes for a far more compact setup and as each unit has its own sequencer, I just set it to Quantised Record and add notes to each track in turn.

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Oh and the Model Samples was a gift. If I was setting up from scratch I’d pay the extra and get a Digitakt for drums and use its 8 midi tracks to mute the 8 tracks on the other 2 synths.

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I have an Akai Force that I’m just learning on and using as a DAW in a box to stay away from the computer as much as possible, and sampler. Just transitioning from being a simple DJ to making my own music. I think with the Force, as you said, adding Digitone (for its unique synth) and A4 (for its analog depth) are awesome to complement. I’m gonna throw in a keystep (maybe 37) into the mix and put Minilogue XD module on the future plan. I’ll start with just Digitone and get a depth for it before moving on to the A4.

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That was my route too.

Feel free to PM me if you’re stuck on anything.

Also watch this by @Eaves , it’s the best video for understanding the differences between the Digitone and the A4

His videos are the best examples of what each box can achieve on their own. He’s a wizard.