Just released my new album of 2000s-Warp-inspired idm-ish tunes!


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is that the mpc’s e piano you used on some of the tracks?

Nope! I’ve never actually used the MPC’s VST instruments in a finished song. It’s hard to say what I used without knowing which songs you’re referencing but chances are it was the Take 5. That thing does phenomenal old-school e-piano sounds.

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I watched a video about the arp on the mpc one. looked kinda tricky to set up but had a lot of patterns, do you use that with midi at all? or is the mpc mostly just for structuring songs?

I’ve played with the arp briefly, but didn’t really dig into it. It was kinda fiddly compared to, say, my keystep 37. My usage of the MPC is almost exclusively as a drum machine and sequencer for other gear - anything complicated (FX, mixing, final arrangement, etc) gets done in the DAW most of the time.

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