Keep my MD UW MK1 or buy AR?


I have an older MD UW beside my A4 and Volca Bass.
I like to MIDI sequence the Volca Bass and MB33 with the MD.
Now I am thinking about to get an AR.
Best would be to keep the MD and add an AR but unfortunately I can’t achieve both.

Any suggestions?

I think the only thing about MD that makes the other box interresting is the lack of sequencer features (triplets, trigless trig (achievable by midi machines), fill ins and maybe effects) Except those points, md is really handy for sample and drum mangling !!
But for now I think I don’t need AR. I’ve MPC for velocity pads (and hear that AR pads are not amazing for live playing).
And you, what do you think about getting an AR in your stuff? for what?

AR has a decidedly different sound character than the MD. In reality Id advice you go to a store and test the AR in person to see if it will suit the kind of music you are doing.

I have both and they are very complimentary to each other in terms of character and features.