Keep Your Chins up Florida Elektronauts... this too shall pass

The gulf areas that were impacted are beautiful spots. Its a real shame for those people and that area in general. Honestly some of the best beaches in the country, very quiet and relaxed with white sands and clear waters. Kills me to see this happening.


it’s sad af. i spent a good amount of time around venice beach and south of it at Pass a Grille which is one of the most chill spots and has real local flavor w/old florida type history. an ex is from around there so she showed me all her local haunts and it was a really great time.

i have a love/hate relationship w/florida in general but it was very heaven many times growing up and those memories never get dull.

i went through a number of storms growing up in miami including Andrew which didn’t hit where i lived very hard but still had no power for 17 days.

i’m sure it’s devastating in so many places in florida now and I hope people get the help they need and don’t get too fucked over by the insurance situation.



I-75 is the main artery through the western side of Florida. 100% impassible. This is how nearly all supplies get to the SW quadrant of the state.




I knew you were somewhere in this world , glad you’re safe too


Do you know what the state/government even does in that scenario, do they just wait until it all of the water evaporates? That picture is seriously hard to believe, man. Good on you for helping out the fam. Is that just grassland surrounding the area in the picture or were there houses nearby there too? I read on the Florida sub-reddit that UCF even announced that their students resume classes as normal, and a lot of those kids are now homeless/ without transportation. Also, saw a crazy scuba diver vid online that shows houses completely submerged with 2 feet of water above like some type of modern day Atlantis. Hopefully the government acts quicker this time around in sending out relief. That is just nuts, man.

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so called “global warming”, and yet it’s windy and raining? your move, so-called scientists

Here’s another organization trying to help folks

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Holy crap!

That’s the route I used to drive from Tampa to the Miami area.


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Can’t tell if this comment is sarcasm or incredibly misinformed but I’ll leave this here just in case


This area in the photo is forested with some pastureland. To the east and west about a mile out are towns with people cut off from everything. Many are sitting in water at a depth somewhere between 3-15 feet. North Port is to the west towards the coast and they are properly fucked. We’re talking people in sleeping bags on their roof. It’s ugly. These events are such long tail events that it seems any government response is less helpful than needed or even an impediment. I just got off the phone with my wife and it sounds like the government are now an impediment.

Life hack that may save your life at the moment in this region: consult tidal charts during land navigation. No joke, it’s how I got home today.


Thanks for helping paint a picture for us outsiders, as grim as the situation is. :beers:

Bruv, wtf. That sounds terrible, and this has all of the resemblances of a Japan-type catastrophic event and I’m only drawing a comparison to that because of the videos burned into memory.

Yeah, man I actually read that the governor is backpedaling on sending out support, so that’s obviously s*** news to look forward to. But, as gross as it sounds, it also makes sense because if you exhaust all of your resources too quickly it may be harder to properly help larger amounts of the population. Being hopeful on that one. Seriously, it’s hard to imagine that level of struggle present there. Even from a lite musician standpoint, I’d imagine a lot of people lost a lot of costly musical equipment in favor of protecting their/ their families’ livelihoods. Hopefully, those good people haven’t lost hope.

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Yeah the simple reality is your health can deteriorate quickly without power, fresh water, food, sleep, proper medical care and clean air. Young or old this takes a toll on all of us. Seeing others suffer is deeply frustrating.


Glad to hear you are OK. I have family in Florida and lived there during hurricane Andrew. I know what it’s like. Thoughts and Prayers :heart:


I don’t know for sure, but fairly unlikely they are. From what I understand, Brad is based with about 15-20 minutes from me and fortunately, here on the East coast of FL there wasn’t too much damage or activity. The actual worst of it was the night before the storm made landfall and we had some proceeding heavy storm bands come through. There was a couple of smaller localized tornados and flood damage as a result of those storms, but absolutely nothing like what happened on the other side of the state. The day the storm made landfall and passed NW of here it was just rainy and with some consistent 20-30mph gusts of wind throughout the day.


I’ve been in S. Florida my entire life (almost 50 years now) aside from a couple of years, so I know what these events are like. Every year is nail biting for 4-5 months. This storm was tragically bad, no doubt, but it’s also different than many we’ve had previously. The major damage here is flood related and not wind, because the West side of Florida is especially low as is most of the gulf coast area through Louisiana. There’s a saying here, “You hide from wind, but you run from water” and that was especially true with Ian.

Hurricane Andrew in the early 90’s was a much different event and largely severe (catastrophic) wind along with tornadoes, but much less flooding. I had family in the parts of south Miami (Cutler Bay area) during Andrew (I was about 100 miles to the north) and that entire area for mile after mile looked like like an atom bomb went off. Absolutely leveled. Places you had been dozens of times or more were entirely unrecognizable and you were easily lost as there were almost no discernable landmarks remaining. I’ve yet to see anything like that in again in my life. Building codes and rules dramatically changed after Andrew and FL was forever changed.

The most severe damage with hurricanes is typically in a 10-25 mile wide area where the highest winds occur at the coast. Hurricane force winds (74mph or greater) can extend further out (100 miles or more sometimes), but the worst of it is within that smaller area. Andrew was a very tight and compact storm with extreme winds. Ian was a larger storm in size with less wind, but a huge flood component having hit within a few hours of high tide and overall geography of the area.

I haven’t see in it in person, but due to my work, I’ll likely have to go to the Naples area this coming week to assist clients. We have one that had several feet of water throughout the first floor of a hotel/resort. People are starting the recovery process, but it’ll be years for some and will leave many in financial ruin. It’s really gut wrenching. Every year, I talk about leaving this area and the reasoning is split between the huge population gains and the stress/anxiety of these storms. Nearly every where has natural disasters, but at this point in my life, living where there’s no earthquakes, hurricanes and minimal tornados is high on the list.


I feel so sorry for everyone affected!

Stay safe!


sorry, just my garbage “sense of humour”

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I live in Fl and narrowly missed this one, I was born here and the images of this are as bad as they get. I was just getting into fly fishing (as a long time vegan) but already face microplastics rampant in my lagoon’s fish and well, 7.5 million gallons of “highly treated effluent” were dumped into it two days after the storm. So fuck me.

“The Man” got what he wants, I exist because of a grocery store and I’ve had enough. I am fasting after breakfast for the foreseeable future, I mean months to years, until I can grow enough food to live off of, SUPPLEMENTED by a grocery store.

And believe me, it’s hard in Florida, that’s why I got into fly fishing and foraging. I grow dozens to hundreds of things in a small space but it’s mostly experimental, medicinal herbs and such, lots of fruit trees, it’s hard to grow larger crops in the suburbs. My Seminole pumpkins, one of the literal only things that grows here that is a staple, takes up dozens of square feet with its vine.

Nothing we can grow in Florida is a traditional American crop besides pumpkin and sugar, the only tomatoes we can grow here are tiny prolific ones called Everglades tomatoes. Then there are crops from across seas that grow here, malanga, name yam, cassava, Japanese purple potatoes…

I am a zero waste activist and I feel there is absolutely no hope, honestly every day I wake up it’s a hassle. Therapists will tell you to let it go, but I say, why don’t more people grab hold to distribute the weight of the load? When will people take responsibility?

My entire area I grew up in has had its forest areas leveled for apartment buildings and gated communities.

Now, what do you say to the climate deniers that invoke their liberties and freedoms at the expense of others (including their own offspring) with the sort of nebulous claim that cause and effect and Newton’s third law are hoaxes (ie driving a car has only net benefit without any opposite and negative reaction)?


i hear you. i grew up in miami. left in the 90s. miami->orlando->san diego-> Portland.

There are people who will feel the same as you about things in florida but they’re harder to find and are always going to be the minority opinion. Florida, especially the larger cities and south florida, have never been about facing reality. there’s no narrative there about anything that is remotely progressive on any issue. not saying there aren’t good people there who are doing their best to make change etc… but for the most part, the masses are concerned with different things. in the early 90s i used to talk about traffic and would always mention they should just stick train/light rail in the middle of biscayne blvd and run it north and south and out to all the colleges etc… and w/o fail the response from someone would be “but that would look so ugly”. as if endless traffic is nice.

pedestrians in florida do not have the right of way. it’s all cars all the time. public transportation is mostly shit.

i don’t want to shit on florida… it’s not the only place in USA w/these kinds of problems… but unless you plan to be frustrated tilting at windmills every day you either need to make peace w/your surroundings, find your niche and stick to it and let the outside world do what it’s going to do around you or you need to leave. or find a group that is like minded and get involved at the community level to provide yourself w/some positive experiences that reinforce your ideas about how to live etc. mutual aid etc.

i wish you luck. i knew in the early 90s that it wasn’t the place for me and left by 96/97 i think it was.