Kerri Chandler reel-to-reel mix

One of the coolest things I’ve seen in a while.



Tape jockeying - Respect must be given!

PS: Mr Chandler seems to struggle a bit with getting the spools in place…? With leader tape sprouting so far from the spool? Needs more practice :sunglasses:

thanks - this made my day!

Had this playing yesterday… cool to watch and for sure a lost art

Chandler has used reel to reels for decades, 20 years ago or so I think he used three on stage. Usually just 1200s though :slight_smile:


This was a good set.

Nice & sweet. So pleasant sound. Also so analog that you need a screwdriver in your setup.


Anyone know what kind of mixer that is? I’ve heard he’s used these for many yrs but seeing it done gives you a true appreciation for this mans skill.

This is my weekend listening sorted, x4 reel-to-reels :scream::scream::scream:

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