Keystep/M:C/Syntakt Midi question

I wish to switch between controlling the cycles and syntakt via a different auto midi channel. That so much works but it doesn’t seem like the syntakt sends it’s own transport controls over the through port… So I need the keystep transport to sync the two… no problems. But is there a way to sync the keystep clock with the syntakt? I have disabled the clock in on the syntakt and can run the arpeggiator on the keystep but it’s not synced to the tempo at all, I mean it’s kinda cool being able to be out of sync but I don’t want that as the only option.

Can I go from Syntakt Midi out > Keystep midi in for sending the transport/clock sync
Keystep midi out > syntakt midi in for receiving notes
Syntakt midi through > model cycles for receiving notes/clock/transport?

Does this make sense?

I want to use the arp on the keystep with the m:c and syntakt but not sure if getting another midi cable to go from syntakt out to keystep would work or if that is even ‘allowed’ … Currently if you don’t press play on the keystep doesn’t run the arp, if you do press play it sends clock+transport but don’t really want the keystep to be in charge of bpm… I’m sure someone knows what I am talking about here. Any advice/tips greatly appreciated!! Thanks :sunglasses:

I think what you describe should work just fine, as you’re creating a loop, which turns Syntakt’s thru into a second out (because ST midi will go through Keystep, back to ST and out of the thru port). Turn on midi thru on its Midi Control Center settings (that works for Keystep 37 hope it’s same on smaller one).

The only sticky point then is to turn your Syntakt sync settings all one way (can’t both send and receive transport, clock, etc, will freeze it up) and to make sure you don’t have any channel overlap between what you’re sending and receiving, check Keysteps receive channel to keep it from relaying ST notes back to itself.

Save your project before trying, as messing up may freeze it and make it necessary to restart.

The MIDI Quadra Thru box or similar, or the Blokas midi hub if you want to play polyphonically on ST, are other good solutions.

Awesome, thanks for your input. I will see about getting something going… I think the smaller keystep is a bit more limited, but I know there are some toggle switches on the back for options. And I will be careful of not creating loops like you said, that’s what I was worried might happen in some way… still might of course… I only have two cables until I go get more. Hopefully something works out, I have glimpsed the inifinity of potential afforded in even the syntakt alone let alone multiplied with other gear. But of course there is a certain finessing in getting it all going :wink: Will check out the other items u mentioned too. I have heard of the bome box but not those.

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