Keystep Pro arp question

Hi all, tried posting this on the Arturia forum but it’s kinda dead there.

Is it correct that when I use the arp in poly mode, the chord I play doesn’t strictly play all notes immediately, instead the keystep pro plays the first pulse as a single note and THEN the chord? The full chord delayed by one pulse which is hardly perceivable but still not exactly right.


Your question is a little confusing. arp mode is like pretty much every other feature with a shift function displayed above the keybed and indicated as active by which light is lit above the mode you’ve chosen. The arp mode has more than one pattern, meaning that there is one which follows the order that the notes are pressed, there is an ascending and descending, and I think there is random. I don’t have it in front of me, but I’m pretty sure it has all those modes. So I’m confused by whether or not you’re actually talking about chord mode and not arp mode, if it’s the arpeggiator and you’re trying to arpeggiate chords then I think they should play in unison. Everything I’m telling you I read in the manual so if there’s an answer it’s probably in there but I can’t guarantee that there’s no “impercievable pulse” and a delay, I’ve just never heard of it. I think you could also contact arturia support but from my experience I can’t promise they will be any more helpful than the manual.

One thing to note is if you play chords on most arpeggiators even if it’s only a millisecond before, the first note you hit will usually trigger first, so the arpeggiation will begin with whichever finger depresses the first key even if it feels like you’re pressing them all simultaneously. Some are less sensitive, but ksp is one of the more sensitive that I’ve played.

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Your last paragraph speaks directly to what I was experiencing.
When I select ‘poly’ under the Arp pattern selector, and I hold down (for example) a three note chord, it plays one note for the first ‘pulse’, and then the very next ‘pulse’ it will play the entire chord.

I didn’t realise this was normal, I was expecting all three notes to play immediately, but I suppose if I think about how an arp works technically, it will always be triggered by the very first press of a note, and I will never be able to press all three notes at exactly the same time, so by technical nature of this - it will always delay the entire chord by one pulse.

Does that make sense? Thanks for your explanation and help.

I can’t do it right now, but if it will be helpful to you, later I’ll see if I experience the same phenomenon when using poly under arp selector. We can pick this up again then, hopefully we can figure something out as a work around or verify that it’s a ksp issue and not an issue with your gear. Are you using it with a polyphonic hardware synth?

Thanks! It really does make sense now.

I’m using it with Digitone.

The way I tested it was to play quick unheld chords and see which note is played first. Release before the second pulse has a chance to play.

What bpm is your keystep set to, and are you trying to arpeggiate the chords and have the notes play individually or are you trying to hear polyphonic chords play in unison as part of an arpeggiated sequence of chords? I’m not clear on that part of what you described your objective to be. Also are you set to a factory digitone sound? if you are, tell me the sounds name and number from the sounds list and when I get around to it I’ll test it with the same patch for purposes of consistency.