Kicks clicking when triggering via external drum pad

Hi there,

Im using my MD in a live situation. Roland KD7 footpedal is connected into a Roland SPDSX with a 1/4" jack. SPDSX is connected to the MIDI IN of the MD.
Basically using my MD as a brain to play sounds off with my external gear.

Everything works brilliantly - apart from the kicks.

When i hit the kick at a slightly different velocity to the previous kick - if in short succession - sometimes you get a popping, clicking sound at the front of the kick, like if two samples weren’t crossfaded. Really annoying as its quite bad that happening playing live…

Anybody have any bright ideas what might be causing this?

If I trig the kicks on the MD itself its fine, and if i make a pattern with slight variations in volume it doesn’t happen either, only when triggering live.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



I am having the same problem with the kick samples, but I am using the internal sequencer! Hopefully somebody has some insight.

This is unfortunately part of the MD sound engine design.

When two sounds are played close together you get discontinuity in the digital waveform causing a loud pop.

Your only option is to shorten the decay such the volume of the sound is near zero before the next hit.


  • Justin