
Bloody show off! :crazy_face:

Yep, there was something everyso slightly “medical” about the protective sheath. Ah. Halcyon days (apart from the Demo tune 2!)

All the gear, no idea, same as today.


I hear you Brother! Maybe we were separated at birth?

Given that you’re posting John Shuttleworth videos in the other thread I wouldn’t rule it out…

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My wife and I aren’t having kids of our own but we are very proud to be aunt and uncle to a few kids of friends and family.

One of whom is a very bright six year old who likes to improvise his own tunes on the piano or by singing them. We had them over for our first post-full-vaccination visit. Barbecued in the backyard and then had some studio time.

I had him sing one of his songs into a microphone and we used Ableton to turn that audio into MIDI notes. Then we sent that MIDI to the Pro 2 where he dialed in a bass patch to layer it under his voice. We added some drums, assigned filters to some MIDI encoders, and then recorded while he did a quick performance of the arrangement. After that we had a DJ mix on the DDJ-1000 and 5 tracks in, we dropped in his new track. Kid was in heaven.
What a fantastic sight.


…our kid is 15 by now…

and i tried a lot to get him attached to sonic bliss…
a model samples for x mas 2019…for a start…nothing…
last x mas an ipad with cubasis, with waves package including their take on autotune,so that he can do what all his trap heros do and lot’s of sonic apps on top…an interface…a mic and an all black fancy akai controler…but…hmmpf…it all does’nt do the trick for him…a little bit…sometimes…but never for long and real…

i keep on tellin’ him, what all this would have ment to me, when i was his age…show him tricks to get along…share know how big time…but…nay…playstation always wins, end of the day…

would make sooooo happy to see him diving into it…but i can’t force it…so i’m slowly giving up on this…


If the idea is not to leave the child unattended with it, almost anything is fine.
Here my daughter under three has fun with a monologue that is “loaned” to her at the end of my desk, in total autonomy.
The electrical and audio connections are at the back and the only instructions she has are “gently”, “do not pull on”, “do not put anything on the synths”.
At the beginning she just scrolled the left right and right left notes without quarter notes. Now she alternates the positions and black / white, she knows how to choose a patch (she jumps from 3 patches to three patches) and when she likes it, she stays on it. She begins to understand the principle of having to find the value with a button to modify it by observing the screen. She waits for the end of the automatic start-up tuning with her eyes riveted on the screen without touching anything!
Infinite buttons or a synth without direct button or saving would be better but I don’t have one.
She loves Td3 and its filters but the object is very light so it’s only with me. The keystep and Digitone / A4 she likes ausi, the digitakt drives her crazy but we stay on the pads, the buttons do not interest him …
She’s crazy in concentration with certain sounds.
I am convinced that it is better to use normal equipment or even an old, rather average synth than “special child” machines.
The purchase of machines is transformed, whether it be done more seriously or not later, I buy no more machines only for myself.


Thanks k you for the feedback! 2nd hand monologues go for pretty low prices. Maybe I’ll keep my eye out for a deal and stash it away until the kids are ready.

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Nothing is lost, patience.
And the playstation can be “stolen” and “disappear”.
It happens, really, bands are prowling around and looking for game consoles.

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In the zone.


Any Recordings of that Session?

Was thinking @Dava might’ve been outsourcing some of those excellent Lyra tracks recently. :wink:

Looks awesome! :100:

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Short but sweet.


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My 4yr old (now 5) jamming in the garage she’s into it :slight_smile:


Tempo attack.


My 6-year-old (we’re listening to the radio in the car): What’s your favourite music, daddy?

Me: Hmm, all kinds really but maybe I listen to electronic music the most right now. You know, the kind daddy’s making with his instruments.

Him: I know, the sound of UFOs flying and crashing in SPACE! …and sometimes fart sounds.


(This to me was a far more preferable description of my music than a recent comment by a friend calling my song ”decent ambient”. :smiley:)


On the ferry here in Greece last week, good somebody uses the music app collection, I don’t :laughing::pray:t2::pirate_flag: