Hey there, I need help from someone who’s Rytm-Savvy!

I have a performance tomorrow and am a little desperate. I am just hoping that this is just me not seeing something that might be obvious. I have been working with Rytm for 2 years, and this has never happened before:

My workflow for small performances goes like this: 1 project, and 4 patterns, these patterns are divided into pairs, so the first two have Kit 1, and Patterns three and four have Kit 2. I was doing some sound design on Kit 2 yesterday and finally reached a state where I was satisfied with the performance. I chained the patterns to hear them back to back. Loved it. I saved the project (I do this every single time I am satisfied with any modification, so I had been saving it before that one last time at least 4-5 times).

Today I woke up, and my Kit 2 sounds were all substituted by my kit 1 sounds!!! I was so upset that I wasn’t able to figure anything out. I reload the kits and the project, and nothing. The weird thing that is making me believe that I am not seeing something is that the samples I recorded from outside gear to the rytm are all in my “sounds” folders!!!

Is there something I am missing??? some hints I’ve gotten are: maybe by chaining the songs the matrix mixed my kits up? or maybe I am in a weird mode in “song” where you can switch kits temporarily? I really don’t know please help!!!