Kits wont change

hi all

i am super confused! right now, i seem not to be able to play any 2 patterns with chaning kits

pattern G1 (16 steps) gets loaded with TRX UW

then i change to G2 and load EFM UW

when I jump back to G1 then G1 has EFM UW assigned to it… that behaviour is new to me!

any help is appreciated … has it always been like that? shouldt each bank pattern be able to play an individual kit?

thanks for help

when i am in another global slot this doesnt happen.

i was working on global slot 2 for the last few days, now i am back in slot 1 and i cannot assign different kits to different bank patterns …

i am really confused of how i made this change …

thanks for all answers

Are you in Classic mode?

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one thousand THANKS dubathonic!

happening again . this time i am not in classic mode.

going in and out of classic mode also doesnt help.

loading an empty kit also keeps the empty kit when changing to a different bank pattern

any ideas anybody?

There is a known bug where if you hit two pattern trigs while trying to change patterns, it will disable functions. Maybe you did that? I’ve done it more times than I can remember.

hi freefall …

the hitting 2 bank pattern button (bank patter E + F) issue, i have read about many times…

if this is it, how do i make her stop and behave like a rational elektron again?

changing to a different global slot works, but is not a long term option for me.

also, earlier in the thread I realized that i was in classic mode, not extended, but after a while it didnt make a difference …

thanks freefall and anybody else for any useful tips …

hey folks, i am searching the forum like a “/”$"§$)%(% …

now i can bring 3 threads together

and the one you are reading right now.

so given it happened when pressing more than 1 bank pattern button what do I do to fix it?



cycle through global spots?

pray? :wink:

anybody got connection to swedish government to have hector fix the bug?

If it’s the issue of hitting two pattern buttons at the same time, I think all you have to do is turn the machine OFF then ON. That’s always taken care of it for me anyway.

Are you still having problems?

hi freefall

thanks for your input!

i am still having the same problem

turning the MD uw on and off doesnt do anything

turned in on and off more than 20 times, new kits loaded, tried various kits, edit … really … changing bank patterns keeps the same kit no matter what i try.

english is not my first language, how best describe the poblem?