Kodamo EssenceFM

Here it is but it don’t sound pretty :grin:


Anyone know why this is no longer available in the US? Seems Perfect Circuit, there only US distributor, no longer carries it.

That’s great, you really showed off the capabilities of the LFO on the EFM.

Looks like for the Mask function there is a variation on the original, blending in higher speed (sine ?) waves for the first 4 or so and then it does a step function, and then the rest of the variations are not based on the original. At least as far as i can tell, it looks like varying the “Wave” parameter to those first few would be the ones i’d probably want to use.

The first four or so look interesting. The EFM certainly responds quickly to changes.

Thank you very much for that Soarer. I very much appreciate this little look inside to EFM.


Modx and montage don’t have and option to free run the operators which can give the patch movement. The touchscreen is also laggier/slower than EssenceFM.


Here’s a video with some of the first tracks I have made with my EssenceFM doing a bit of sound tweaking. EssenceFM is the only sound source (all custom sounds) - sequenced by Octatrack and running into Octatrack for effects.


This is one of the more musical demos I’ve heard, nice combination of elektron rhythms with classic FM timbre.

Kodamo has been releasing pretty drool-worthy teaser images of their upcoming VFM keyboards, I hope everyone checks out their instagram.


Thanks InternalVoice :smiley:
It is so awesome that you can make an entire drum kit in one single patch on the EFM.
I’m really happy with this synth.


Great job, especially the percussion! Is every single percussion hit a separate voice, or are you giving them each a little bit of room across the keyboard so you can still pitch them around?

They took them off the site while the MKII were being built. PC got some in stock yesterday, so they put the page back up.

Thank you, something to consider. I love FM.

That’s a really nice tune! I use the same combo of EFM/OT. They work quite well together, I think.

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I’m glad you like it, thank you :smiley:
I have mapped the drums to single keys since I want to make a full kit over time but you can of course give them a little pitch range. It would just take up som more space of course.

Thanks @Snipecatcher yes they work very well together.


I’m selling my digitone to FOMO into one of these things. Any tips for how you’re setting it up with the OT?

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I run two stereo outs from the EFM into OT.
That way you have an input for drums and one for synths and you can make good use of the OT. OT has some cool sequencing tricks since each trig can play 4 different sounds (midi notes) so you can layer sounds (same velocity) and also you can set the LFO to select notes to get some different sequences and some randomness. It’s quite fun to play with.

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had it for a few days now. Only running one stereo output to the octa at the moment. God damn this thing is insane…


Haha well said :grinning:

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For all you Kodamo fans, I see there is a new firmware out today.


  • [USB Host] Hot-plug support for USB drives and MIDI controllers
  • [USB Host] Improved compatibility with many devices including the Roli Rise and Seaboard
  • [Shimmer Effect] Improved sound quality
  • [Waveform edition] Phase shifting for waveforms
  • [Patch] When using round robin, you can now assign a value of zero to a layer to make it play everytime
  • [Modulation matrix] Controlling an operator’s volume via the modulation matrix no longer ignores velocity. The update will automatically process your sounds to set Velocity Sensitivity to zero on operators that have their volume controlled by the mod matrix, to make sure your Voices sound the same after the update
  • [MIDI Sync] Voice Sequencer and LFOs now use their default tempo when MIDI Sync is enabled but no clock is received
  • [LFO MIDI Sync] Slower sync values for LFOs, down to 16 quarter notes
  • [Screenshot] Press the four quadrants of the screen to take a screenshot
  • [Voice Sequencer] Latch feature. Press Latch to keep the next notes active while you tweak the sounds or play other instruments. Stop it by unchecking the option, pressing Panic or releasing the sustain pedal
  • [Voice Editor] Muted operators now have their envelopes started, you can use them as modulation sources in the mod matrix. (this was previously possible only by setting an operator’s volume to zero)
  • [Microtunings via SysEx] Non-realtime MTS (MIDI Tuning Standard) messages are supported. Go into Global > Tuning to allow reception.
  • [Aftertouch] Monophonic and Polyphonic aftertouch are now merged together in the modulation matrix
  • [Tunings] Master Tune now takes effect when using Advanced Tunings with fixed frequency notes

UI Improvements:

  • [Save] Convenient save system: pressing Save on an element will automatically save all related elements (patches used by a performance, voices used by a patch, waveforms used by a voice…)
  • [Save] You can now ‘Save As’ an element even if it has not been modified
  • [Lists] Double-tap on Patch/Voice/Waveform lists to go into Edit mode
  • [Parameters] Double-tap on any parameter that has a center value (Pan, Tuning etc.) to reset it
  • [Performances] Switching performances now immediately takes effect when pressing on the list
  • [MIDI Sync] Clock dividers are now shown in a more musical way (quarter note divisions)
  • [USB Audio Rendering] Output file name is automatically incremented each time you do a new recording
  • [USB Mouse] If your can’t easily access your EssenceFM to use its touch screen, you can plug a USB mouse to control it. The left click act like a press on the screen, while the right click provides access the physical key functions via a menu
  • [Patches/Voices List] Indicator to show which patches/voices respond to aftertouch and mod wheel

Bug fixes:

  • [LFO] Didn’t start at the right phase offset when used with Delay parameter
  • [Voice Sequencer] In looped mode, the Voice Sequencer looped 1 step too early
  • [Voice Sequencer] Wrong BPM when not sync’d to MIDI clock
  • [Filter] Releasing a key while controlling filter cutoff via the mod matrix created a jump in the sound
  • [Stuck notes] Stuck notes while switching from Mono to Poly mode via MIDI (CC 126 and 127) and while using USB-Host devices with other MIDI sources at the same time
  • [Import] Some Scala files weren’t imported correctly
  • [Import] Importing a performance from USB while having the EssenceFM in Patch/Voice mode could mix up perf/patch/voice associations under some circumstances
  • [Voice List] Pressing ‘Create Patch From’ for voices with long names could freeze the unit

Other changes:

  • Reset Page removed. Replaced by the backup feature introduced in the previous version. You can download the EssenceFM factory backup on this website in the Support > Sounds section, load it then choose which elements to save after your loaded it.
  • A single font is now enforced, to prevent alignment issues due to different font widths



this thing is just amazing. candidate for best fm synth ever


This sounds sooo nice!

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