Korg ARP 2600 Reissue

That version of the keyboard is definitely not the one I had for review. Hmmm… let’s hope it’s not just a mock-up.

yeah I linked to these photos above a bit. good side-by-side at Synth Anatomy though.

if this is announced at NAMM, I wonder how many people will cancel their FS pre-orders for it… :thinking:


@Scot_Solida @chiasticon Didn’t they do something similar with the MS-20? Where they had a mini and a limited full size?

Yeah, they did it the other way around, releasing the mini versions first.

Ahhh that’s right.

I will say that I think it’s a good idea for them. a smaller version without the flight case and such, at maybe sub-2k, not limited, would sell well. and I’m sure they can transfer a lot of the electronics (and hence R&D costs) over.

it’s saying something that Korg hasn’t yanked that Guitar Center listing yet though. they even got MuffWiggler to pull a bunch of posts in their thread about this FS version before official announcement (which is interesting, considering Korg is in no way a sponsor of or affiliated with MW).


It’s honestly the only way I could justify having one for myself, as much as I think the FS version would be fantastic to own, my dollars made making music can’t justify the gear I already have let alone a 3500 dollar synth. :sweat_smile:

Edit: probably more like cents then dollars

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now sold out at Sweetwater (was available about half an hour ago).

Man, I sense a lot of Sweetwater credit card accounts were open today.

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I just noticed the Kraft music have it titled 2600 FS in this video:

The FS suggests full-size… why bother specifying if you weren’t planning on releasing a less than full-size? 86% calling you’d think


In the manual I was sent, it was always referred to as the 2600 FS.


The plot thickens!


This synth is so beautiful and it looks like Korg did a great job with this [always loved Korg], maybe on the 2nd hand market in a few years during 2nd peak digital before the 3rd Analog Rising…

It’s interesting Arp was the R2D2 beeps and they were also used to communicate with the aliens in Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind, I guess they had the “Hollywood Connection” and Moog didn’t ha ha.

edit: I also love the old clunky modular keyboards with all those extra switches etc… I wonder if Korg will release a standalone cv keyboard with the r&d they did on this… probably not tho.

i’d take an 86% version without the keyboard… wall mounted in my studio and hooked up to MIDI master controller. Space is of a premium for me now! that’d get it down towards a grand too, surely. WIN WIN.


Yeah I love those keyboards but when push comes to shove I’d probably not buy one due to space issues…

The keyboard gives you the dedicated LFO and portamento, so is something of a must-have, in my opinion. Of course, you can add an LFO of your choice, thanks to the fact that it can be interfaced with any other V/Oct modular or semi-modular synth.

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can you do portamento using the lag processors… or maybe you can tell us a bit about how those work [if they are any different from standard slewing, etc…]?

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or maybe that’s in your review?

bung a couple more sliders on a-la the KARP. (had one of those and thought it was great, aside from the fact that it made everything else in my studio give static shocks!)


Close Encounters was actually the 2500. doubt Korg will be redoing this bad boy any time soon…

for recent (known) 2600 sounds in Hollywood, look to Stanger Things: