Korg Arp 2600M

We know how much it is here in the UK at least : £1620. Presumably you can extrapolate a likely US price from that ? $1700 ish ?

Gotcha, is that officially listed somewhere?

We can already preorder in Canada for 2400$ can + tax
That price is fine for me but … but … no plastic nuts … just no . :slight_smile:

Well the Soundgas guys - who sold the 2600 FS last time - have stated it as their price here - they’ll know their trade price from Korg UK, so I’d guess it’s pretty on the nose.


We don’t actually know that the nuts are plastic though right? This is exactly what I was hoping they would release, and if its well built Im going to start putting some money away to try and bag one later in the year.

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well i get peoples gripes , but having a new arp 2600 is something to be celebrated. For decades that wasn’t an option. It wasn’t for me when i was getting into synths . I had to build my own. Maybe it has plastic nuts? okay. I could always replace them. Its going to be great regardless. Realistically they have cut corners. I don’t get why they don’t make the whole interface digital so you can midi CC all the sliders. So , they had that option. So yeah, probably some corner cutting , but. hey! new Arp 2600 which is very cheap for what it is and you don’t have to build it yourself!


Right, no one actually knows if the nuts are plastic because no one has actually seen one in person. It’s just the internet doing what it does best.


You cant replace them easily thats the problem, the jacks are not threaded, so you’d need to desolder those and replace with threaded ones.

And yeah we dont know yet , so lets wait but seriously i really hope this is not the case , that would be just … insulting for that price.

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Didn’t know , that’s not so cool. But hey , i mean even if they are plastic. Its still going to sound great. You can’t have everything amazing when things are done to a budget

Well this is Moog price … I know its going to sounds nice :slight_smile: but … well … lets wait :slight_smile:

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Stil i agree , this is incredible to have all those great synths made again !


From this image, the locknuts looks a bit strange, in that they are all perfectly aligned. But such an image could actually be a digital rendering, or altered.

Is it now 1799 or 1399? I saw both prices…

Still definitely look metal to me, it’ll be a rendering, or attention to detail for a photoshoot.

The main outs on the side are moulded with no nuts, I can’t imagine them making cheapo plastic ‘pretend metal’ ones for the front.

The rumours of plastic ones purely came from someone who doesn’t like the Korg version and rates the Beh*****r version instead, I think we can safely ignore the possibility that they are true.

I hope you are not pointing at me, because i don’t lake barp or B (neither do i like any mini version of any cloned sinth or trend to make everything dwarf sized) barp clone is at least affordable though… unlike mini karp. But also ugly, like any other behringer clone hahah

I just saw post before mine stating that nuts look plastic fake ones on thet photo, i agree with that, and think Korg is perfectly capable of doing this. They did it already with mini ms 20 .so why not again with this mini version ?

It’s approximately three times the price of the ms20 mini, at least in Australia. I’m pretty sure at that price point they’ll be putting metal nuts on it.

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I wish people would stop complaining about this. There are plenty of large synths out there, let those of us who are space/storage/transport restricted have our fun.


STOP SAYING WHETHER THINGS ARE AFFORDABLE OR NOT! for the umpteenth time. :sweat_smile: As we’ve established, this is totally subjective. You can say “more affordable than…” if you really must. :+1:

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Just because whether something is affordable is objective doesn’t mean that money doesn’t exist lol. The Barp being cheaper obviously makes it affordable to more people, with less money to spend. The Barp is feature dense and sounds good, its a steal for a lot of people.

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