Korg Arp 2600M

See, I’d contend it’s not a steal.

see the problem here ? :smirk:

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This thread is going around in circles. I’m out.


actually I mentioned it. I had seen it proposed at MW. and I’m definitely not what you describe above. anyway… it’s just a theory at the moment. we’ll see…

for reference though, here’s the Vermona Perfourmer, whose nuts are perfectly aligned and I can say for certain are NOT fake plastic:


Yeah the problem is your being obtuse lol. This is very boring so I’m not interacting further but when 2 things have nearly the same feature set but one costs nearly 3 times less than the other then the one that costs less money is cheaper.

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aah … so it’s about “feature sets” is it ?

ok - how’s the feature-set on that Bosendorfer grand piano looking then, compared to a Yamaha home keyboard ? No auto-accompaniment ? No chord-hold ? one sound …? Looks bad for the Bosendorfer then right…? And yet - wrong.

I’m not being obtuse by the way : I’m making the point that we all judge value for money, or affordability, in different ways. If the BARP was say, £50, I might consider that “a steal”…otherwise you’d probably have to pay me to take one. :blush:
Different sensibilities, that’s all. :+1:


:rofl::rofl: hahah ok. Iill do it just for you!

its official 2021 is plastic nut gate

Interestingly, Thomann shows 1799 euros for France and Germany, 1333 GBP + VAT + no doubt extra fees for the UK.

The Keys and Frequencies online event has a Korg booth, and looks like they will have a demo of the 2600M tonight at 7PM (GMT):

7:00 PM: KABUKI - ARP 2600 M meets KORG SQ-64

For those who are interested, maybe you will be able to see if it has plastic nuts.


Any idea where can I watch that Korg performance online?

Presentation of Korg Arp 2600 FS and Korg Arp 2600 M within a few hours!


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Hmm, looks like Korg Arp 2600 M uses fake plastic nuts and Korg wants 1799 for the damn thing. WTF korg?

Picture 1 is from Korg Arp 2600M
Picture 2 from Korg MS-20 Mini
Picture 3 from Korg Arp 2600 FS

fake or genuine plastic nuts?

One of the tester from Synthfest confirmed those are real metal nuts like on the FS.


But those on the Korg Arp 2600M are bigger and look a bit different compared to the FS. It’s easy to see that on the pictures above. But maybe they will use real nuts on the released product, time will tell.

Do you want to have a think about why the nuts on the “M” might look bigger than those on the “FS” when the nuts themselves are going to be the same size? :wink:

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knock knock (9:40)

Its different nuts on the two models, its obvious that those two models that where in the FFS vid not have the same nuts. One is real and one is fake.

It’s better to trust your eyes and not your ears sometimes.