Korg Modwave

which two?

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Op-Six and Wavestate.

Wavestate is 4 part multitimbral.


I just got my OPSIX, and Iā€™ve been loving it so far. I donā€™t need another keyboard this size, but Iā€™m definitely getting one of these because the demos sound sick, and because of how pleasant my experience with the OPSIX has been so far. Iā€™m amazed by the power, and how fun/easy it is to use.

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I remember reading somewhere on here that theyā€™re not doing desktop versions of the newer ones like Wavestate and OPSIX, so probably no desktop module of this either. Iā€™d really love a desktop OPSIX because Korg are shite at keyboards. Really horrible feeling things :cry:


This looks very cool! I wonā€™t be trading in my beloved Hydra, but Iā€™m glad they made this.

You could build a comprehensive studio with this, OPSix, Wavestate, and Minilogue XD.


I stand corrected, although looking at the manual the word multi-timbral never appears.

Yea they use different terminology.

ā€œ4 Layerā€

Can be frustrating. Took me a while to see that the Modwave was bitimbral, as well.

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So Ironically, the one synth in the range I want the most (OpSix) is the only one without layers. :thinking:

Also I responded to your first comment and didnā€™t see the post with the diagram comparison :stuck_out_tongue: I might have saved myself putting my foot in my mouth by just reading the dang thread.


Whatā€™s the step count for the sequencer? Canā€™t find that information anywhere so help me god.

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Knowing Korg, itā€™ll be 16 steps.


Iā€™m guessing the Minilogue XD Desktop did not sell as well as Korg had hoped.

That would be the most obvious clue as to why Korg has not issued desktop versions of their other XD/Wavestate/OPSIX format synths.

Probably because people like me who bought the original were too lazy to sell the keyboard just to buy the module. Would have been better to release them simultaneously to get a true comparison of sales.


It would be a shame if that was the situationā€¦ these latest 3 seem lend themselves to that format so well and youā€™d have to imagine that the economies of scale due to the design commonality would be decent.

I donā€™t have much else to add to the conversation here except that Iā€™m also pretty excited to find out more details and watch the in-depth videos on this one. No immediate rush for me but I reckon by the end of the year Iā€™ll be thinking about another synth which could be a toss-up between this and the OpSixā€¦ desktop versions could mean bothā€¦

Can someone clarify on the multi-timbral capabilities here? My understanding was that the layers can be added together in a single sound, but cannot be controlled separately on different midi channels or split keyboard.

I got the keyboard version around about the same time as the desktop mXD was released. At that point, for saving for desktop was too small for it to make sense for me. Iā€™ve not got much space now so I that price differential isnā€™t as important as last time for me.

I fear as much too.

Also, the desktop was priced the same as the keyboard in some countries. Our friends in EU and/or Oz were particularly vocal about this.

Seq Lanes A-D.

Thereā€™s 4 Sequencer Lanes so I presume a 64 Step Sequencer.

The Modwave voice structure chart posted above shows MIDI channel as a property of an individual layer; hence, the Modwave is likely bi-timbral.