Korg Monologue

Can’t really answer those questions as it’s been a good 5 years since I had the Kenton Monologue A4 combo.

Sure, no worries, I may have to try it later on :slight_smile:
I saw some volcas synced to the monologue using the sync out, but I wonder if it also spits or can also receive clock… I couldn’t find any info regarding this along the manual actually.

See page 41 of the Monologue manual, where the rate that the sync (a form of clock, effectively) in and out can be set:



thanks for pointing… I may have missed that :slight_smile:
Definetlly will be checking this along the weekend.
Anyone did try it already with a modular, semi modular, external sequencers, etc?
…looks promising…

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I’ve never used a Monologue unfortunately, but I have sent and received Volca / Monotribe sync as clock for modular, an MC-202 and a Juno-60 arpeggiator at various times with no problems.


This synth is a beast.


(Still needs testing the clock and sync stuff)


The bassline is the monologue. Sounds really good actually, same sound as AFX Korg funk promo song. Does anyone know whether it takes irregular clock to the sync input? Like the 101, with each trigger progressing the sequence 1 step.


I’ve just remembered I bought a monologue early this year.
I turned it on and boxed it up with a plan to use it
That hasn’t happened yet.
Maybe next year.

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it works like a 101 did it many times with analog rytm .