Korg Prologue 8/16 Voice Analog Poly Synth

Yeah, the moog subharmonicon was the most interesting thing, wish they made it proper production


… because the Minilogue xd appears to have an improved Multi-Engine.

I’m pretty sure the multi-engine in both the XD and Prologue are exactly the same. What make you say that they appear to be different?

This line from the logue SDK tab on the official website suggests the two synths do not have exactly the same Multi-Engine - whether the XD’s is improved over the Prologue’s is another discussion, imo:

Can I use the SDK Custom Content from prologue on minilogue xd (and vice versa)?
Check with the content creator to see if a minilogue xd specific version is available. If not, the prologue version can be used directly.


Just wondering what other owners think of the Prologue.

At first I thought it was a bit weird in that the lack of certain features, particularly modulation options, seemed absolutely criminal.

However, persevering with it I find that it is fairly easy to program a wide range of really nice and detailed sounds, which has surprised me.

Interested in what other owners (if any) think and any preferences for 3rd party OSC multi engines.

Anorher owner of a Prologue 16 (and previously Minilogue XD) here. The Prologue/XD had a very pleasant warm sound and actually find it a plus that the modulation is fairly limited: It is very easy to use.

I really dig the filter and the FX, the reverb is very usable and nice sounding.

For third party plugins I have some of the Sinevibes plugins which extend the synth possibilities, but I notice lately that I just use the built-in oscillators and fx.

The bi-timbral possibility with the LF compressor are nice ways to make a sound really full and thick. So yeah, very happy with this synth!

The only extra modulation possibility that I would want is to be able to assign two destinations to the Mod wheel. As pretty much all the available destinations have a dedicated knob anyway, the only advantage of assigning one to the Mod wheel is increasing the resolution of a section of the parameter.

I intend to experiment with the bi-timbral capability as each timbre can have a separate parameter assigned to the Mod wheel.

The quality of the FX is certainly top notch but they have a liited number of parameters.

I think the Korg multi engine is plenty deep though I am tempted by Sinevibes Node but have not seen a review of it anywhere.

For anyone who is into presets: A new sound pack for the Prologue was released last week by Sinevibes:


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