Korg Volca Drum

And cheap stuff = more potential buyers

You may not get filthy rich selling your used Volcas, but I donā€™t think there will be a shortage of potential buyers - itā€™s not like youā€™re going to be donating Volcas (unless you really want to donate - nothing wrong with that!).

When I brought some gear to a local gear swap, the two Volcas I wanted to sell were the first to go.


I agree!! :slightly_smiling_face:

That makes more sense. The ā€˜High Risk gambleā€™ though youā€™ve still left attenuated. If a person is able to afford more expensive equipment it is not a gamble. If a person who cannot afford more expensive equipment buys more expensive equipment they cant afford then that is stupidity not gambling. Iā€™ll leave it at that. Bye now.

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That makes sense, I gotcha :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah, I sold the Volcas I didnā€™t want for $75 each. Could I have invested more time into haggling to get a few dollars more? Sure, but I just wanted to get them into the hands of peeps who could use them, and get a little something in return.

I know some people consider resale value before buying anything but Iā€™m not one of them. Can I use it to make music or not is my consideration.


Iā€™ve bought all of my Volcas Iā€™ve own to date used, and I sold them all for nearly the same price. Here in Japan at least they lose about 30% of their value but then stay at that price. Basically, if you buy used at a decent price you can get most of your money back if you sell them. The Kick was the exception. I donā€™t think it was that popular initially and it tends to command a higher price on the used market.

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Good points, one way I look at it is losing 30% or thereabouts is that it is a bit of a bitter pill, but at least I got to try the thing out, and hiring it would probably have cost about the same or more. Most of the time though I return it in the 30 day refund window, although this isnā€™t always possible/applicable/practical.

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Guys, do yourself a favour and wait at least until Superbooth 2019. I am feeling it in my urine that Elektron is coming out with something thenā€¦

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stop playing with your fluids


Iā€™ll drop my interest in the Volca Drum if the new Elektron is also battery powered (without need of external battery pack - Iā€™ve seen that argument before!) and small.

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Ill drop my interest in the elekteon machine you forsee in your piss if i can remotely afford it


The talk of Microtonic in this thread made me dust off my ten year old license and give Microtonic another go.

Microtonic is dope!

So easy to use. Iā€™ve got it all mapped up in Ableton Push now, and itā€™s hands-on digital drums all day over here.

Now, after years of focusing on individual hardware boxes, I actually know what the hell I am doing, and I am able to dial-in sounds so quickly in Microtonic. Before, it was just a bunch of knobs to me. That was not Microtonicā€™s fault though.

Aside: Years of focusing on hardware has helped me learn what the hell I am doing, and it makes me appreciate software a lot more now. The Elektrons are great teachers that way.


Then you should think about an OP-Z. Small, battery powered, plockable sequencerā€¦

Sorry, its a catch phrase in my native language. A proper english translation might be: i feel it in my Guts?

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No problem with the phrase i like it! In english sometimes people say ā€˜i feel it in my watersā€™ which i guess could be the same :slight_smile:

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Iā€™ve read the OP-Z thread and even posted on it. Itā€™s a fun little device, but Iā€™d rather get a Volca Drum in the near future, and a price of $120-$150 vs. the OP-Z price is a factor I must admit.

If this new Elektron youā€™re talking about is so great, I might start saving up for it in the future. If it indeed turns out to be a small, battery powered, and does the same stuff as the Volca Drum I might eventually sell the Korg but it would not be an immediate decision.

In retrospect, the saddest part of the DT, for me, is that itā€™s not battery powered.

This looks tempting, but Iā€™m also tempted by an older Electribe ER-1, which can be had for the same price. Different beasts however.