Kurzweil k-2000 question

Hi guys

I’m going to buy a kurzweil k-2000 tomorrow, but the guy just wrote me that he cant find the disc’s. Since i haven’t been able to find anything about the disc’s, I would like to ask my question here.

The disc’s hold patches, right ? Without any disc’s how many patches can be stored on the synth ?


  • Tobias

Blast from the past!

Presets are in ROM. User patches (200 or 400 - can’t remember) in battery-backed RAM. For sure buy a hard disk to go with the K2000.

Read this.

Thanks for the answer and link Peter !

Indeed it’s a blast from the past, but i packs a lot of power ! ultra heavy modulation madness :slight_smile: Cant wait !!

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I have a K 2500 - this one can store 2000 sounds.
What do you mean by disks ? Floppys ?
Dousn’t it have a floppy-drive ? - if yes - you can store a huge amound of sounds on just 1 floppy.

Many had problems with the harddisk that can be build Inside - so that’s not recommended. You could go out by SCSI I think ( 2500 can ). maybe on computer ( never tried ) - you’ll have to such hard but if you find 2nd hand they are cheap - but floppy’s always did the job for me ( make doubles tho !!! )

DEEP SYNTHESIS MAN - if you can handle this one - you can handle them all - it’s a great Learning - device !

HAVE FUN but be prepared to dig deep and spend time programming :+1:

any more questions ? -let me know - I’ll be happy to help if I can.

Yes, it has a floppy drive. I picked it up a hour ago and holy bonkers it rocks !! Sounds really fucking good ! I watched the original video tutorials a couple of days ago, so I can manage my way around the menu’s. I have my final exam tomorrow so i have to wait 24 hours before i can start digging in :slight_smile:

Now i need to find a usb-floppy-drive, so i can save my patches and mangle around some of the original patches.

… And I’m quite suprised with the on-board effects, they can get really going.

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One question,

is it possible to record for example a external Device (iPad) and at the same time the other sound still running like a looper.
I have the change to buy K2500RS.

Thank you for an answer.

All the best,


Maybe - You can resample the instrument ( mono or stereo ) - but I never tried external sampling while sequences are running.
Check if the instrument has the extra sample ram installed.
This is not an OT - so the sample memory is very small ( even with the extra ram installed ) . The quality is Extreme-Good tho . It’s more a sampler in the old-fashion way - with very deep sample editing Tools - and it’s very easy to make looped waves on screen with no clicks.
But if you decide to sample full patterns your sample memory will fly out of the door in no time.
Consider that if saving on floppy’s the samples will be saved on there to - so a long sample can easely have to be saved on several floppy’s - and loading them takes TIME . ( so an external saving-system is very useful - it’s got SCSI - out )
It’s a good thing if it’s a rack-version - the beast weights 48 KG !!! with the 77-notes keyboard … :rage:

Maybe - You can resample the instrument ( mono or stereo ) - but I never tried external sampling while sequences are running.
Check if the instrument has the extra sample ram installed.
This is not an OT - so the sample memory is very small ( even with the extra ram installed ) . The quality is Extreme-Good tho . It’s more a sampler in the old-fashion way - with very deep sample editing Tools - and it’s very easy to make looped waves on screen with no clicks.
But if you decide to sample full patterns your sample memory will fly out of the door in no time.
Consider that if saving on floppy’s the samples will be saved on there to - so a long sample can easely have to be saved on several floppy’s - and loading them takes TIME . ( so an external saving-system is very useful - it’s got SCSI - out )
It’s a good thing if it’s a rack-version - the beast weights 48 KG !!! with the 77-notes keyboard … :rage: [/quote]
Dear Vos,
thank you for your Feedback.
All the best,

My pleasure - Enjoy your Toy ! Any more questions ? Let me know.
The sequencer is exellent by the way :wink:

Now I had some time with my k-2000, and hands down it’s on of the best sounding synths i ever played around with. It’s really capable of deep deep modulation options, and it sounds like something of a phoenecia record :slight_smile: Really fit my style of music perfect, so I’m really really happy with my newest addition to the studio. I’ve thought about selling of my monomachine, since I haven’t been using it much lately and now i got this beast. I’m also really surprised by the onboard effects, they’re really good. It’s really a steal, I love this machine !!!

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ENJOY !!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yo vos. I’ve run into some problems with my k2000, and i hope that you can help me :slight_smile:

One night i turned it on and suddenly an octave on the keyboard is sending vel 127. I’ve cruised around looking for some odd vel setting, but i cant find anything. So i guess that it’s some sort of electronic malfunction, but i hope not.


btw, those FUN machines can really get shit going, I’m in love with this machine.

I had one of these, screen was awful and editing anything was a nightmare. I knew there were great riches hidden underneath but they were too hidden for me. Glad you’re getting on with it. There are some really cool videos of people creating modular-esque randomness using the FUN machines and lots of smart routing…

Can I ask how much you paid?

It is a very deep machine and it takes time to learn the way around the machine, indeed. But i love that i takes some time to get into it and the sound of it is just so swampy and dark.

I got the k2000 v1 for around 230€

If you haven’t already check out this site for all things Kurzweil. (I have a K2600s). A really helpful group and a lot of info on your K2000:


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I don’t quite understand the problem … I’d like toi help :confused:

Mr problem is that one octave on the keyboard is sending full velocity, every key is all ways shooting out 127. It just happened over night

Are you in performance- or in sound -mode ?
Dous it behave like this in both modes ?