Labels fading out


I have a brand new Analog Rytm MKII, since two years ago now. It always on my desk or sometimes I use it when I’m on the bed.

Always with decksaver when it’s not used and when I carry the machine to my other house, always on the ec-4 bag. I’m very carefull with all my gear but today I saw this.

I know that isn’t too much but I have fear that this goes further, and on another labels of the machine.

I can understand this wear is from put and take off the decksaver but i don’t know… is an expensive machine and labels don’t seem very durable.

On the back some labels started to wear off too

Has the same thing happened to some of you?

I have a Digitone too but is on perfect condition and labels are perfect

That is quite normal, caused by friction and even worse by friction and sweaty fingers. But the labels will not fade out by themselve.
This is my 8 year old AR.