Lacking of.. TODAY

That happened to me the first time I really took a pill. Also I had had a previous episode in my life and I was so devastated I went to a party completely humbled down, and all prejudices about raving people and repetitive music were nowhere to be seen. This was in 2011, when I had been making electronic music for 16 years and still wasn´t getting techno. Since then I have never stopped raving and playing live in clubs and releasing records for DJs. God bless…

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I love techno since the 90ies, but i still think the Music is evolving after all these years, i find cool tracks /dj sets nearly every day, i have my go to djs , and many do new sets every week on soundcloud.
Back in the day i could only hear good music when i went to the club, buying all the 12" was not feasible for us, the crowd.

I like the diy aspect of techno, that is why i do it, like punk from the people for the people. Yes, there is commerz now, but that happens anywhere, i just ignore that aspect and search the gems in smaller acts doing it for the sake of it.

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Read the first two sentences and, before reading the rest of your post, I thought to myself that drugs must have been involved. :rofl:


I’m all about free structure as long as it tells a story and/or create an emotion.

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It’s like toxoplasmosis. You go years being indifferent to cats, and then you catch a parasite and overnight realise that cats are the most beautiful and fascinating creatures.
Likewise, you go years being indifferent to dance music, and then you have a (good night out) and realise that (boom, chk, boom, chk) can contain a whole Mikrokosmos.


Before I ever did MDMA, I hated French House, couldn’t stand it. I’ve never taken MDMA anywhere that French House is playing, but ever since I first did MDMA, I’ve had this odd emotional connection to it totally out of nowhere, like I totally get it now, where I never did before.


Around 93-95 I was going to underground electronic polka clubs hardcore but could never get into the rasta pasta polka which was new on the scene at the time, until, I smoked crack.


There is no better way to enjoy techno than double dropping heads down on a sweaty dancefloor.

If techno music were written as a fugue, it’d be awesome.

Whenever I point out what’s missing from techno music, I am told that those missing features belong to other forms of music. If a person’s reaction to the suggestion that counterpoint could exist in techno music is a dismissive chuckle, then they are being anti-intellectual.

I am not a hater of techno music or its creators. I am just suggesting that techno is not a mature art form.

Show the philistines how it’s done, mate.

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You are right…I should quit complaining and put my money where my mouth is.

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I don’t think we are living in any “golden age of gear” or anything like that. Or maybe it is best said like this: it is too early, and too current to be labeling the now as a “golden age”. Wait a few decades and see what the consensus is.

And you know that counterpoint doesn’t exist in techno music?

I’m not sure the dismissive chuckle is anti-intellectualism, perhaps the chuckles are more at how you’re talking shit about a form of music and culture that you clearly don’t know very much about.


Classical would be killer if it had 909 rides in it.


are you sure?

in my country some guy shat a prezel and painted it with gold.
gov promoted this art.

some call it art, some call it crap.


Your country sounds like my kind of country.


Youth of Today is lacking Today.

I agree that I don’t know anything about the culture. Understanding something in a cultural context generally helps us appreciate it more. My mother in law has traveled to see entire productions of Wagner’s Ring Cycle. She has also read biographies of Wagner and has familiarized herself with the mythology behind the story lines.

I am critical of techno music. You accuse me of being critical of techno culture, however. When did I say anything bad about techno culture?

I’m not sure you can really separate the music from the culture.

Whatever though, you don’t like techno, cool.


if Kenny Larkin’s Azimuth is not a mature artform I’m not sure what is…

Edit: or any of the GAS albums for that matter!