
Long time Elektron customer and supporter

Gonna be pretty lame if that machine doesn’t get revealed today


If and when it does, feel free to delete this

P.s. appreciate the hard work that went into whatever that things is lighting up in the box and just want to know what it is along with everyone else here

it’s almost 3am there, I doubt anything will be revealed.

2 AM and that is early evening for Berlin Club standards :slight_smile: .

Thats the lineup there for today:

But tbh, i told a friend that wanted to go there and see the new machine, that they allrdy said they wont show it tonight, so he passed.

Maybe that 08:00 thing? :smiley:

Doubt it, i would say its more like a resident Dj who takes over for the after hour.

Oops. I r maths.


I don’t even care what’s in the glowing box box anymore, and I think it’s lame nobody could go though the trouble of streaming the event.

I just want the new OS; this feels like waiting for Bitwig.