Landscape / Noon, a passive analogue drum/synthesiser

A new passive drum machine from Landscape, as usual from this company the design is gorgeous and the audio examples for this are impressive, I think its going to really fly with a modular set up, I am very intrigued by this…


Here is the front panel


It is indeed pretty. This company really has an esthetic of their own. Cost?


Yes, the cost is the big unknown at the moment, I haven’t seen any details on this, it won’t be cheap is the only thing I can say definitely!

I am just in awe of some of the brilliance found in this little world of ours.


This one is right up my gear alley.


Loving those sound demos on the website!

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Its the most beautiful passive drum synthesizer I’ve ever seen. Possibly most beautiful synth ever, passive or no. Bold statement? Yes. Aesthetics are subjective? Yeah, but LOOK at it. Tell me I’m wrong.


Looks really intriguing for sure! Anyone know a price tag? The Landsacape website says TBD. But maybe they’ve uttered a rough estimate somewhere?

their other products are around the $350-$400 range…but they aren’t passive. I’d guess a drum synth from them might come in around $450-$500 but then again, it being passive, usually passive stuff isn’t as expensive…hard telling. I was familiar with the Stereo Field ($400) but the cassette manipulator is interesting too, ($330). I love seeing that visually striking eurorack aesthetic get into desktop hardware, all their products have such a great design i really just want them on my desk, i can’t help it. This is really art you can play with.


I just decided to preorder this babe :heart_eyes:

Happy 2022 to me :champagne:


This has a lot of controls, very dense, with so many sliders, which gives it a good feel, and lots of feedback for playing. The arrangement of these controls with the repetition of structure should make understanding this better, though it still has got to be abstract at the same time.

And no screens to look at, or menus to peruse !

Looking forward for a video to see it played in performance. Some of the more abstract synths, are more the sorts of things that you record for a while and then edit to select the best parts. This looks like perhaps you can practice and learn how to play.


I have used the Stereo Field passively and it is very interesting as a chaotic cv/audio mixer, Noon has made me want to delve more deeply into exploring it using triggers and gates whilst I wait for it to be released!

I have not heard any rumours yet

‘The sound of analog, at its core, is the sound of sculpted electricity. By removing the stabilizing elements of a constant power source, we can listen to the sound of electronic circuits loading and unloading, powering up and powering down, and we can increase the natural chaotic movement of electricity’.



Yeah, but have you listened to the audio examples? I think I prefer the ‘stabilizing elements of a constant power source’. But it looks amazing, that’s for sure.

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Yeah, this thing is lovely, but I’m not at all impressed by the sound snippets.


I have! It’s definitely different but I like it, a nice backup to a ‘constant power’ machine. :slight_smile:

To each his own. I really like odd and noisy stuff, but to me, this just sound plain bad.