Laptop Overheating?

Anyone know if it’s bad when using several machines running Overbridge through USB/Overhub on a Macbook laptop? My laptop is pretty much brand new, running Live 9 using Overbridge with Overhub running the A4, RYTM, and AH. When I run everything and jam, sometimes my laptop roars and heats like crazy. Other things that are plug into laptop are charger, USB audio interface, and firewire external harddrive. I have a fan under my laptop but it doesn’t really help at all… Hopefully this won’t be a problem, but would like to hear people’s thoughts and experiences of using Overbridge and Overhub.

How is your CPU performing when all this is going on?
Laptops heat up because the processor is being overworked usually.

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CPU is way below 10%. Kinda have a feeling it’s all the ports plugged in. I have Chrome running too. Is it bad to have other programs also running?

What is the internal fan doing?
I dont have a MAC, but I would assume there is an internal fan that should keep it cool.
There are some diagnostic tests you can run probably just to make sure the temperature is under a certain threshold.

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