Latch fill in grid rec mode?

Im still new to digitakt. im trying to write some fills in grid rec mode. How do people program fills and listen to the results at the same time?

so it seems possible with trk/page to listen to fills while in grid recording mode but i cant work out how to latch it.

Im pretty sure this is possible in model samples, to latch fill mode while grid recording.

You can latch fill mode when just playing by pressing page/yes. It would seem logical then to press trk/page/yes to latch fills when in grid rec mode but this doesnt seem to work

Manual seems to imply that latching and activating for one pattern cycle works with both grid recording on or off, but temporarily activating does only work when grid recording is off.

You can ofc always quickly jump in and out of grid recording mode.

yes i was checking out the manual on this and it seemed like its not possible as it says grid mode cannot be active…however… the order seems to make a difference.

if already in grid mode, latching fill mode wont work

but if not in grid mode, press trk/page/yes to latch fill mode, then press Rec to enter grid mode, it works :heart_eyes:


Uhm, maybe you’ve already come across that behaviour, but I’ll mention it anyways just in case – when you’ve latched fill mode and you’re in grid mode, pressing the page button will unlatch (?) the fill mode.

no i havent noticed that yet but still learning the basics with digitakt

hold TRK + PAGE while in grid mode to hear your Fills
hold TRK + PAGE + YES (release PAGE before YES) while in grid mode to latch your Fills

it’s the same for mutes, use TRK + FUNC while in grid mode, rather than just FUNC when not in grid mode, for quick mutes access.


wahhhhhhhhhht dude y’all are blowing my mind

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Did not know that you could hear fills in grid record mode, thanks for that.

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