
Is there no latch function? Seriously, a latch function seems crucial.

You mean like triggering a step in the sequencer and pressing play?? At that point, the note/arppegiator will be “latched”; you can tweak parameters as it loops. I must be missing something here.

No I mean latching without the sequencer running. Many hardware synths can be “latched” and the gate will stay open when you release the key, allowing sounds to be tweaked or drone or do the arp thing without the sequencer running.

What about just cranking up your Sustain and Release on your AMP EG page?

if you set the length (in note page) to infinite you can get a drone going and then stop the sequencer or convert the droning note to a trigless trig and let the sequencer run

alternatively you can do conventionally via external midi or with apps like lemur (and others) which let you define toggling (stuck) notes - all without sequencer or length adjustment

+1 for latching functionality outside of the sequencer btw

@Elektron: How about hold Note(s), then press Yes ! to latch for drone/arp purposes !

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I have about had it with all the ‘work arounds’ because it’s simply killjoy to my creativity when working with all other synths and only A4 has to be bent this way or that to do what gear decade old or older has no problem with.

Proper midi out rather than just sync…not everyone has the desire to buy an OT!!

Agreed, Latch for the keyboard should most definitely be in a future update. I’ve just emailed Elektron about this.

Few years later… is it possible to latch/hold A4 keyboard keys when sequencing external gear? For example, I am playing A4 keys (touching the actual note keys not programming triggers) and instead of holding a note with my finger, I would like to latch it so it’s automatically held for me

Tooth pick, weight, magnet, a cat…


A simple “latch” button would be enough :wink:

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Combination eventually…

Otherwise for a continuous note you can record a note, INF LEN, 1ST TRC, change pitch manually…

this should be implemented asap and also the midi mode from the Analog Keys.

hold down a chord, press yes and it should hold it.

just like the AK does and it’s great :relieved:

My solution is to attach a Digitone Keys!
(it has a hold button that can be used in MIDI mode).