Latest Retrokits for DIGITAKT (2023)

Hello, is there anyone using the retrokits cables with Digitakt and has been able to use the ARP mode? I am assuming that in this latest update you can chose between the POLY mode (Channel 9), Euclidian mode (Channel 10), and ARP mode (Channel 11). I cannot get anything from the ARP, and I might be missing something basic. The Euclidian is just amazing! it turns the DIGITAKT into an instant rhythm machine, adding even more to an already fantastic Fab box

Here is the link to the latest released firmware I am using:




Arp is turned off per default. Itā€˜s mentioned in your link.
You need to set the Arp channel in your browser. If you connect your DT and use chrome you will see the interface showing up at the bottom of your linked page.


I see! Thanks a lot, definitely suspecting I was making an obvious mistake

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Yeah, if anyone figures out how to turn on the Arp outside a browser connection, Iā€™d love to hear about it.

Iā€™ve never been able to successfully establish a connection with the gear I have. The default device-only PC and CC implementation seems good for the Poly and Euclidean modes, but seemed not quite complete for Arp unless Iā€™m missing somethingā€¦

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I have been travelling and cannot reprogram the Retrokits without a proper MIDI interface. I will report back in a couple of days after testing activating the ARP feature


CC70 and others donā€™t work ?

Nop, it does not work directly from CC70. From what @orionka said, it needs a further configuration step via browser

second line:
ARP_CH = MIDI channel for Arpeggiator control (default=0; off)

This needs to be set up in the browser window interface on the same site at the bottom.
The UI becomes visible when the retrokits cable is connected.
You will need chrome for that.

Yes I know. But CCs are supposed to control parameters, like on/off.

@grit from Retrokits may chime inā€¦

I think not if the arpeggiator functionality in itself is turned off.

yes by default the arp is off, we thought it would occupy even another MIDI channel for this extra which you could perhaps also ā€˜emulateā€™ on the DT itself so we kept it optional. (The arp also needs a midi clock from the digitakt to function by the way, but then again, also does the euclid generator)

To activate the ARP you need to set it to a channel (ARP_CH which is indeed done with the browser) After that the ARP can be controlled with the CCā€™s. Iā€™m not quite sure how I can make ARP_CH available through the Digitakt controls. CC77 is tempting but the RK002 would initially need to scan all MIDI channels on this controller to de/activate ARP. Preferably it would also be an input which is not so variable as a controller since there are only 16 valuesā€¦ :thinking:


Thanks @grit !

I meant once you activated arp choosing a channel between 1-16, CC70 can also turn it on/off, so there are different things to check. I suppose CC70 default state is different from 0 though.
(EDIT : Arp seems set to off by default, CC 70 value below 25)

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So I made it work, apparently CC70 value has to be 25 or above, otherwise itā€™s off. Seems off beat. Checking settingsā€¦there is clock length, but I donā€™t know the valuesā€¦seem to change every 3 incrementsā€¦

Also random randomize note values. Should randomize note order, as regular arps.

Values are not easy to get.

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Is there any possibility you could make the code for the Polymux available? I would like to change a few things here and there for my purposes, i.e. note allocation, parametrized base channel via CCā€¦

Seems already the case. And there is a beta editing page, but @grit will tell you more about itā€¦
@orionka my bad, this script doesnā€™t seem editableā€¦

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Thanks for confirming! Iā€™d been wondering if an undocumented ā€œextraā€ CC message in the Arpā€™s channel might toggle this flag. (Iā€™d gone in thinking the Arp would be activated on channel 11 by default.)

(Iā€™ve been unable to make a browser connection at all with my gear, Iā€™d hoped that using a usb-to-midi cable chained to a Digitaktā€™s midi thru would give both sysex and power, but apparently not.)

Wasnā€™t the primary reason I bought it, though I had wondered about programming it further myself. Euclid and Poly work fine because of the complete midi-only implementationā€¦

I did it with a midi interface with male DIN and DT + ST in/thru.
(RK002 in/out connected).

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The code is downloadable, but we have the ā€˜cloud duyā€™sā€™ in development now which also allows for changes like this and have an online compiler (no need to install the arduino IDE anymore, compilation can be done from the browser) with this link you can see the updated DT firmware compiled from within the browser. if you click away the pop-in window you can also click on a link to go to the online compiler:


There are also a couple of alternatives to Retrokits (great products): first option is to try digitakt in loopback mode - midi out into midi in - . This open up a lot more possibilities, much more control on parameters, and it is free!
Second option is for Novation launchpad owners: install a custom firmware into Launchpad, this in order to control scales, chords, arps and dozen more features via midi on Digitakt.

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