Launch Control XL midi controller for external in mixer issue

Hi all,

I am trying to control the external mixer in settings via external midi controller (the launch control XL).

I have created a custom template in the launch control and its sending the correct midi cc (at least I think it is). Have included a screenshot below for reference. But its not doing anything on the DT.

I am sending the cc message out over midi channel 1 and not sure if this is right but cannot figure out what else it would be.

Any ideas or any help to resolve the issue would be fantastic as I stumped.




External in settings CCs are controlled through the FX channel, which you can set separately from the audio and midi tracks in the Midi config channels menu. Good luck!

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Thanks @Humanprogram for the pointer. Got it working.

For anyone else just some more detail below.

The External In setting CCs are controlled through the FX midi channel. The FX midi channel can be viewed / set via the Settings > Midi Config > Channels.

Scroll down the list to view the FX Channel. I think by default this is set to midi Channel 9 but you can change it as needed.

Also, separate topic, but you can set the midi channel for the Midi A - H. This allows the use of the midi controller (in this case the launch control XL) to mute each of the midi A-H independently which is class.


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