Launch controls to digitakt - midi latency with global fx on

I am just moving from using launch control XL and launch control with model samples to using launch controls with the digitakt. I am using a usb midi host RK006. I have been using this setup for dub mixing. It has been working very well with model samples.

With model samples the fader and knob control from the launch controls is very quick and tight. Just like using an analog mixer.

However, I am noticing that with digitakt it is slow, like there is quite a bit of latency. I can move a fader quickly up to top and then back to bottom without the digitakt registering any fader movement. On model samples, it registers all fader movements.

I also have midi channel 9 set for the digitakt external mixer so i can have fader control. Fader control for the external mixer is even worse than tracks. There is a considerable visual latency and sound latency.

Anyone else notice this? Im surprised its so much worse than model samples.

I noticed something very similar with my Digitone and Nord Lead A1.

There is a readout where you can see the position of a MIDI MOD wheel and I could see some delay/throttling going on where changes where registered with a short but noticeable deoay and frequent changes were often “lost”.

I didn’t experiment further yet so I cannot say if it’s just the screen update that is slow or if fast-changing MIDI CC messages are throttled.

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yes it seems like the digitakt cant process the incoming midi CCs quickly enough. The model samples is processing the midi very quickly.

im find it similar with knobs on the launch control too. I can do a very quick turn from zero to full, and the digitakt doesnt register it. Im using knobs for delay and reverb send.

For me its both the update on the screen and the audio, both are delayed.

i was using latest OS but updated again just in case.

Just tested midi channel 9 again for the external mixer controlling the level and sends for delay and reverb. I would say there is a 1 second delay between moving the fader and seeing a change on the screen, and hearing the audio.

ok i after a lot of testing with ableton i think i have worked out what the issue is.

I get midi latency for track level and external mixer level only, not sample volume or amp volume.

It appears to be linked to global fx for internal and external mixer. If they are clicked on, latency occurs for midi ccs from launch control. its reproducible at my end if i switch global fx on and off. seems like a bug?


good find! i can confirm this here too.

if i enable global control of any mix/fx and then send the DT some CC data for those global params (e.g. 102 for ext mixer level, 25 for reverb decay - sent to DT via Ableton Live envelopes), the DT freezes up as though it’s getting overwhelmed with data. halting the incoming data will eventually unlock the DT and all of the data that was sent to it is then raced through very quickly (LED lightstorm!)

disabling the global controls means playback and CC control works as expected. some buggy stuff going on with global (1.30B)


Hi All

Elektron have confirmed this issue. Its a CPU overload issue related to Global FX. Apparently it will be addressed in an upcoming update.


glad i’m not the only one! this update cant come soon enough.