Lemur RYTM controller

Just thought I’d share with y’all a very simple controller I made with Lemur. All it does is break out the Mute, Scene, and Performance screens into one single screen. No fancy morphers, just a straight-up interface extension.


I’ve got a very crude mixer view with track levels, main dist and a few of the compressor parameters.

Does anyone know if there’s a way to get the Analog Rytm to spit out all the midi CC values for all parameters, like a patch dump? This would be useful to get an updated Lemur view when switching between kits.

It’s something i’ve long wished was available for use with Lemur, which is unfortunately (to begin with) incapable of handling the volume of patch Sysex My suggestion would be to have Lemur set to send a few snapshots for select kits, for my purposes this is sufficient , it’d be something that maybe will appear in time with overbridge looming if there’s a need to solve a similar problem with Daws, if that’s how it is additionally implemented, it’s a very reasonable feature request anyway to ask for a snapshot key combo/menu option or midi request command

Ok so having Lemur being able to recieve a sysex dump of a kit?

I’m more thinking of I feature I had on some synth back in the nineties (don’t remember excatly witch one, might have been a Roland something) that you could send a small sysex message to making it spit out all current CC parameter values.

This is great for controller surfaces and software that are bidirectional to give them the initial state before you start tweaking.

that would be an ideal, but wrt Lemur, there is just not enough room to capture a smallish sysex dump, let alone work around the clunky manner you’d need to adopt to decode it, most sysex dumps are not sent readable, so there’s a fair bit of processing involved, and besides there’s no public request commands available, so best bet for now is to tweak a kit to your liking in cc/nrpn etc and then when it is similar in Lemur take a note or snapshot so you can then send that cc snapshot back, if you want to start from a common state, i’m curious to see if overbridge opens up any of these possibilities besides channeling audio, but for now, it’s a bit manual and clunky and most likely beyond lemur although i believe they increased the syx rcv buffer recently, it’s still very small compared to most dump sizes i’m aware of of various synths, so i just use Max/MSP for this sorta stuff and think of lemur as a breakout for the basic main elements or as a way to construct creative macros that a conventional controller could not

thats a request dump request or send snapshot functionality.
jomox airbase can be set to send all CC’s on program change, very handy.
its the only synth I know that has this feature. thus allowing easy bidrectional controller control without any sysex parsing.
afaik AR does not support sysex dump requests afaik. this was in earlier days standard for most MIDI synths. seems to me its not common anymore.

well, even though Void is as close as we’ll get to a magician, how do you think Strom accomplishes it’s i/o thing, it ain’t black magic ! afaik the info is not in the public domain, my requests for similar have fallen on deaf ears in sweden i’m afraid, hoping for developments by spying on overbridge plugin when that happens, if it does anything like that of course, may just be an audio thing
most synths i have do sysex requests and i think some of the older clavia stuff will send current cc status dumps on request, it would be a doddle for them to include this

thats a request dump request or send snapshot functionality.
jomox airbase can be set to send all CC’s on program change, very handy.
its the only synth I know that has this feature. thus allowing easy bidrectional controller control without any sysex parsing.
afaik AR does not support sysex dump requests afaik. this was in earlier days standard for most MIDI synths. seems to me its not common anymore. [/quote]
Yes that’s what I’m looking for. Most likely not something that the AR supports but anyways.

well, even though Void is as close as we’ll get to a magician, how do you think Strom accomplishes it’s i/o thing, it ain’t black magic ! afaik the info is not in the public domain, my requests for similar have fallen on deaf ears in sweden i’m afraid, hoping for developments by spying on overbridge plugin when that happens, if it does anything like that of course, may just be an audio thing
most synths i have do sysex requests and i think some of the older clavia stuff will send current cc status dumps on request, it would be a doddle for them to include this[/quote]
Yeah that’s true. Void did get help from Elektron with this right? Reverse engineering sysex messages and formats is a lot of work.

yeah, days, especially when the syx is sent packaged and (seemingly) unreadable :wink: a thankless task if the OS is not stable yet

I wanted to make a full voice editor for the A4 and the AR, but Lemur’s tiny 400 byte buffer means it can’t handle the sysex of either device (and so many others :frowning: ).

The workaround for this is to request the settings for individual parameters separately.

I did ask Elektron in June if there was a parameter value request Sysex command for the A4, to which I was told the developers said it was possible, but they haven’t had time to write full sysex documentation so they could not help me. I will try again with the AR - now that they are working on Overbridge, perhaps this is something that may be more in line with what they are working on.