Less Manic Wednesday

Hey Wizards, Shapeshifters, Dopplegangers and Derelicts. I’m feeling much better today after a good night’s sleep. Sorry for being so crazy the last few days, though I’m glad you all got to know my goofy ass a little better. I will try to hold it back a little more when I’m manic in the future. I’m also gonna stop calling out or even reacting to haters. And I’m gonna make a concerted effort to curse less and to be more gender neutral in my posts. I love you all. Thank you for being patient, and compassionate, and uplifting. It means the world to me.

That is all.


Thanks for being open and taking the time to apologize to half-strangers on the internet. Nice one.


Just to be clear, I am not apologizing for being myself. I will always do that, no matter where I am. Just, not really wanting to turn my favorite forum into a chatroom. That wasn’t my intention but that’s what ended up happening. That’s why I’m apologizing. Okay. Carry on.


@ViolentMeals. I’m sorry. Can we start over?

I read somewhere that you dig graves or something, and I certainly dug myself one with you. I like you though, and I like your music. Im in the Texas Folklore society as well. I just think we got off on the wrong foot man. I’m gonna chill and be calm and cool and talk about gear and tunes. I have things to contribute to the forum, an encyclopedic knowledge of gear and strange musicks. And I’m gonna be a better forum member moving forward. Are we cool?

It’s okay if we’re not. I’ll live.

Strange as it may seem, this forum isnt all about you.

Its about electronic music/gear.

Get over yourself.

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Got it. Thank you @Microtribe

I know this, really I do. And I’m trying.

To get over myself that is. I’m just so damn passionate. It’s hard sometimes.

And I love your music btw.

This whole post is kind of about me getting over myself and vomiting up my ego. Maybe you didn’t read it well?

It’s not just about electronic music and gear though. It’s a community. And I ain’t going nowhere homie. Believe that.