LFO on T3 not work


the lfo on T3 at the Digitone does not react …! all others work. can you turn them off individually or is that a bug? :frowning:

What do you mean it does not react? Have you chosen a destination? Have you dialed in an amount?
Have you got LFO trig on the trig page to ON?


… Thank you for your feedback signal! yes, on the trig side I have LFO.T on and e.g. I would like to modulate the filter frequency with the LFO, I have assigned this under DEST, but nothing happens as soon as I regulate the DEP … unless the sound is playing without fading and I turn the DEP during this, then the filter reacts briefly , but that’s not normal, because on the other tracks it works smoothly with the same settings …

It sounds like you might have the lfo depth parameter locked at 0. Check each of your trigs for that track.


oh man … i had used parameter locks with the lfo and therefore it just didn’t react correctly …

sry, and thanks for the quick help!

Glad you got in working.
I’ve done something similar accidentally live recording parameter locks!

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