LFO Questions

Hi there! I love the lfo function on the Analog Rytm 2 for modulation, but would love to modulate more than 1 parameter per channel at a time. Is there anyway to modulate 2 or more parameters simultaneously, maybe using external LFO or a mod?

Probably the most requested AR feature addition would be a second lfo or even a second destination! You can record automation and use p-locks to get similar behavior of course, but I think that’s where it ends inside the box.

I think you can use MIDI CCs to externally modify parameters, so if you have a MIDI lfo generator that might work.

On the digitakt you used to have to plug midi out to midi in using a cable and use the midi track’s LFO for extra modulation. Would that hack work for the AR?

No, because the AR doesn’t have a MIDI LFO, nor p-lockable CCs. The encoders send CCs, I think, but they control the params already :smiley:

You can assign four destinations to velocity and aftertouch modulation, with independent range control… An external controller could send AT or notes+VEL. The pads send AT so you can play four modulations at once. Trigs can have different VEL so you could step sequence (and maybe slide?) four modulations that way. You can also receive two CV inputs from an external source (modular, an SQ-1, an A4). I can’t remember how you configure that, nor how many parameters you can modulate at once.

Also, you can slide parameters from trig to trig, which can be very similar to many LFO shapes, and easier to tempo sync.


oh yeah, slide trigs could be a workaround in some instances.

Overbridge is your new best friend if you want infinite LFOs on your AR, in addition to other modulation sources. I know Bitwig works super easy with overbridge, and Bitwig has possibly the most modulation options of any DAW I know. I’ve heard Ableton works with with overbridge and AR as well.

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you could use 1 or 2 tracks with the Impulse machine and then use the individual outs to control the CV Inputs on another track.

this also includes 5 parameters on individual tracks with bipolar controls.


alright, you are making this Ableton user a little jealous.

If you have max for live it has lfos


I keep forgetting max is integrated in Ableton. thanks for the reminder.

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