LFO Sync

Trying to get a synced, trig LFO tremolo to start when hitting play - sometimes works, sometimes is off. Seems to be more synced to the clock which is going when stopped rather than the new clock created when play is hit. Is this a bug or standard behaviour?

This is entirely normal - there are many discussions on getting the free LFO phase locked at teh start - e.g. have a free LFO but p-lock the lfo to reset on step 1

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But I’m not using the free lfo, I’m using the trig lfo on step 1. It should start then shouldn’t it but it doesn’t sometimes? The manual states it should work this way too. Not sure what I’m missing here?

I had this problem and I think its due to lfos being reset per voice, e.g. if two voices are playing and theres one lfo trig, it will only trig the lfo for the voice the trig played. So if you can, try setting the locked voices to 1 (or however many voices are being used per step for unison/chords), or alternatively put a trig lfo on each subsequent step depending on how many voices the track is using.

Usually this solves it for me but sometimes it will still behave mysteriously… anyway hope this helps!

You can set the LFOs to behave monophonically, or polyphonically if you want, that might give you a better sound.

Trig LFO will restart the LFOs with every note played.