LFO to Midi machine velocity?

I have tried searching for an answer but for for some reason the search keeps crashing. Apologies if this has already been answered.

I am sequencing a Vermona DRM1 mk3 with a MD and no matter what I do, I cannot get the Velocity control on the Midi Machine to respond to LFO mod.

When I turn the Velocity control on the MD the Vermona responds (I can p-lock this too) but when I set the LFO to modulate velocity, nothing.

Anybody run into this before? I hope i’m missing something silly.

Here’s a workaround:

and further discussion:

Thanks Peter!

That work around should get me where I want.

With regard to the discussion, those threads seem to be talking about LF modulation of Program Change rather than Velocity.

Does anyone know what the deal is here? Did Elektron just decide Velocity LFO control isn’t needed? Seems like quite an obvious and useful parameter to have control over. Or is it just ALL midi machine parameters that dont get LFO love?

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I haven’t even found any release notes that state this changed.

Someone from Elektron want to chime in?

Ok just found this old E-U post:


I guess this is a dead end. P-locks it is.

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