LFO Tutorial

Hi, I need some didactic and clear tutorials about working with LFO.

I assign lfos to each channel on my UW but the changes over the sound are poor, even with the detph and mix full applied.

Some idea?


Which synthesis parameters are you trying to modulate?

In most cases I tried to modulate filter and pitch. Only pitch modulation changes the sound in a hard way.

your results here will be heavily dependent on the frequency spectrum of the sound you’re filtering.

first, explore the filter’s effect manually: find a frequency band where you can make slight adjustments to the filter base and/or width by hand and get noticeable sonic changes. add a little Q to make these changes even more prominent.

next, check the range of your tweaks. do you need to go up and down by +/- 4 ticks to get this effect? or 10? 20?

then, pick an LFO shape that approximates what you’re doing. i like to start with the triangle, with very low rate and depth. increase these gradually. i can’t swear that the depth you’ll need will correspond to the +/- value you determined, but that’s my rule of thumb.

Thanks, I’ll try it! So… there isn’t an extra step to assign a lfo to a sound than going to LFO screen, select the channel, parameter to apply, type of osc and depth?

That’s it, though you’ll probably want to save your kit as well :wink:

Thank you!

Well, I’m sure you know this already, but the speed (period of the LFO) setting will also affect what you hear.