
I feel very stupid, because i don’t get how the LFO works on both Models.
I completely know LFO’s, i use them all the time on my modular system, or with Ableton Live’s CV Tools…
But i don’t understand why there’s two way to adjust the LFO on the Models !

Can you please explain to me, like if i was a 12 years old child, how do you use the LFO ?
(Do you always have to go check the inspiration spoiling board in the manual ?!?)



applicable pointers here

the beauty of teh Mult is that you can quickly change periodicity between per bar , half-bar, beat, etc - the reason it’s configured this way is due to the historical relationship to Tempo

The key to tempo syncing is understanding the factor or Speed and Mult and how a 4/4 bar relates to numbers relating to 2^n … ie 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 etc


Exactly as @avantronica said - the “multiplier” values (which is set in the LFO menu) give you access to predefined increments that synchronize to common measure and bar lengths in a project. Most of this assumes you have patterns based around 16 steps. But ultimately, the LFO speed from the LFO speed knob is being multiplied by this value.

If you LFO speed is set to “2” and your multiplier is set to 16, one complete one wave “period” will take 4 whole notes. That is, for the LFO wave to go through one complete “cycle” if you want to think of it that way.

One important thing to note is that the multiplier can either be tempo-relative or non-tempo-relative, which is why the multiplier menu in the LFO settings has one “Mul” value for “X16” and another for just “16”. This is something that isn’t explained in the manual at all, so it’s hard to know exactly what the constant value behind the non-tempo-sync’d version of the LFO multipliers means exactly, but suffice to say that you won’t neatly line up with your step grid when using these ones.

One thing I’d highly recommend if you need good concise description of how the LFO works is to first watch this Loopop video section on the LFO (timestamp should be in the link automatically) https://youtu.be/csYWGW7Gwo4?t=1005

Second, I’d play around using the same technique he does: set the LFO to modulate pitch and then just play around. Once you’ve got a very clear audible marker for what the LFO is doing, you’ll very easily be able to hear how multipliers and LFO speed work together.

Edit: Oh, and another thing that is really nice is that LFO speed can go all the way to negative values, down to -64. So you can “invert” your LFO really easily. It’s a fun way to quickly “mess up” a track during performance to create variation and then recall to a temp save for the pattern.


Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to reply such great answers !

I think i understand a little better. And of course playing around will certainly help me.

What i miss maybe, is the math equation between SPEED and MULT.
@avantronica refers to how 4/4 and 2^n are related : but how exactly ? (what is the formula ?)
@porkloin i don’t get how SPEED 2 and MULT 16 can make 4 notes.

Anyway thank you so much for these leads, which will allow me to better understand ! :bulb:

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To be completely honestly, I’m not 100% sure what the underlying equation is. It’s made a little more complicated by the fact that the LFO speed is represented in “whole note values”.

1 whole note == 4 beats, right?

So 16 speed with a multiplier of 2 results in a 4 whole notes, which is 16 beats :thinking: I’m more confused now than I was when I responded earlier :stuck_out_tongue: I would think it would be 32 beats, or 8 whole notes.

Personally, I’ve always just been configuring the LFO based on how fast it “sounds” and haven’t worried too much about setting it really precisely, outside of knowing that I can adjust the multiplier if I feel like each “step” of LFO speed is too big of a jump (in which case I’ll reduce multiplier) or if I don’t think the LFO speed has enough range (in which case I’ll increase the multiplier). The other main condition is when I’ll switch between the tempo-synced and non-tempo-synced modes.

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I’m lost too so take it with a grain of salt; the table seems to make sense if both SPEED and MUL are used to divide the maximum LFO period of 128 whole note and 1K and 2K are short for 1024 and 2048.

128 / (SPEED 2 x MULT 16) = 128 / 32 = 4
128 / (SPEED 1 x MULT 1K) = 128 / 1024 = 0.125 = 1/8


:dizzy_face: :sweat_smile:
I also think that working with our ears without trying to understand everything with our brain is a very good idea. And that’s maybe where many happy accidents come from.

The more i play with the LFO, the more i “understand” i should let go haha

thanks you again !


It should be clear in my post from 2013 but a bar takes 128 LFO ticks (let’s say) so to get half a bar you need the factor of speed and Mult to be 128*2 which is easy if speed was e.g. 32 with mult 4, you just change Mult to 8

It’s a pattern length derived relationship

Any value of speed from the series 2^n i.e. 1 2 4 8 16 32 and so on will work out rhythmically related over a 4:4 bar with any Mult that isn’t taking you into audio rates

edit : i fixed a senile moment error and had /2 instead of *2, doh!


Thank you very much for those precious informations, I hadn’t read anything about this “relationship” before.

I can also add here that another way to look at this is:

The values inside the table shows the length of an LFO cycle expressed in whole notes connected to the sequencer BPM (if you have the MULT value set to one of the BPM values) As per default every step on the sequencer is 1/16th note long. So if you want an LFO cycle to last 16 steps (16/16=1 whole note) you should select any of the combinations that generates a value of 1 in the table, for example. Speed=1, MULT=BPM128. Say that you want the cycle to be 32 steps long, then 32/16=2. Select a combination that gives 2. For example, Speed=1, MULT=BPM64 or Speed=16, MULT=BPM4 and so on.

Music is math! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


…hell yeah…music IS math indeed AND everything is CONNECTED…

Everything is one. :green_heart:

Thx for the explanation @eangman! I tend to forget the math behind it and just go by ear instead^^

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