LFOD - LFO every parameter on your Digitone using Drambo

I built this tool in Drambo to randomize and modulate every parameter of the Digitone.

Download the free FX device to try it out.

  • Generate random values and scale their amounts
  • Apply LFO to any parameter and offset timing/phase for the modulation of each parameter
  • Record the modulations into the sequencer as P-Locks

Can generate modulation from subtle movement to complete madness.

More info here https://app.gumroad.com/machineaura


Drambo to Digitone split screen interaction

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LFO’s are so super freaking cool. Been doing this to my OB6 and RYTM these past few ions. Been using the midiLFOS app. Love the visual feedback on this and many other apps.

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I sometimes use MIDI Mod for Digitakt/LXR-02, the UI is a bit crap tbh, but the good thing is it knows all the CC’s for lots of different hardwares :+1: , saves you flicking thru manuals :slight_smile:

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I literally thought to myself the other day. “Okay, homework! Learn the CC parameters by heart for the 2 boxes I am using.”
I haven’t opened a manual yet. :laughing:
Does it have RYTM and OB6 in its vocabulary?

Yes! :slight_smile: You can see all devices on the Github page, this is the list from initial release, there are more devices added after this:

[EDIT] -> The dev was helpful too, he added LXR-02 on my request.


Sheeeeeezy peas!!!

Lovely jubbly… thanks a bunch!