Linear vs switching power supply Analog Heat

Who tried to use a linear 12V powersupply instead of the stock switched brick on the Analog Heat, and does it benefit remarkably soundwise or not?
Just curious, because most pro audiogear use toroidal transformers in their designs.

Linear will almost always be quieter. Whether there is enough difference to make it worth it is debatable, and more or less situation dependent. There are switching supply setups that are SUPER QUIET. But many are not set up optimally. For the Analog Heat specifically, Iā€™m not sure, as I havenā€™t tried it. However, it defintiely wouldnā€™t hurt anything as long as itā€™s specced exactly right, and could only really benefit (even if only slightly).

I only supply linear bricks and toroidal dual supplies for my modular synths. Even when there are DC/DC converters available in the boat/case, I still provide a linear brick.


Iā€™ve found my mine to be quite friendly too


Haha. Just edited my post. Thx


Classic auto correct :rofl:

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My transformer is so fucking rude


Decepticon no doubtā€¦


You have to turn the distortion circuit dial 3 times 180 degrees clockwise and 2 times counterclockwise while holding the AMP button within 30 seconds after booting to enter the hidden ā€œOptimus primeā€ mode on the heat.
Beware to take the device to a large room or outside before doing thatšŸ˜

I build a 12v linear supply using a board from Audiophonics. It didnā€™t make any difference on my Rytm (the original purpose), but it made a huge difference on my AH2. About 5dB lower noise floor with no changes to my preset.


What linear bricks do you use/recommend?

I gotta say, I always thought my AH2 was noisy. I thought it might be a case that it was the nature of the analog circuits.

For +/-12V systems a Triad Magnetics 15V wallwart works well. I use those for smaller 4U systems that have DC/DC converters like the Mangoest boats. They would work well for a medium Euro setup with 2-3 rows or so.

I havenā€™t specced anything for Elektron boxes though.

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