Linked kits

Hey everybody,

I’m having some troubles to understand something that I noticed with my Analog Four Mk2. It might be nothing or a simple setting to do, but I didn’t read anything that could help me here yet, so…

When I’m organizing some kits so I can play one after the other and having a structure (Kit A1 as Intro, A2 as verse ect…), I’m copy/pasting A1 into A2 to keep some tracks of A1 and modifying the others. Then, something that I don’t want to happen does.
If on A1 I change a setting on track 2 for example (Volume of the track or sustain), the same change will happen on the track 2 of kit A2, and I really don’t understand why these 2 are linked even if on different kits.

Can somebody tell me what I’m doing wrong ?
Hope I’m clear enough,

Are you saving each kit?
Kits offers consistence between patterns, but if you want another kit you need to save it as new…


@GautierP I guess you are confusing kits and patterns.
Pattern A1 and A2 can share the same kit K001. Modifications of that shared kit will be heard on both patterns.


I must admit that I’m still confused about these kits/patterns, because I just copy a kit to another but I guess it includes the pattern with it…
Thanks, I’ll dig into the manual even more then!
Cheers :slight_smile:

If you have an empty pattern in position 2 it will default back to using the first kit

A kit is only bound to a pattern when it is loaded in - if it is emptied by clearing then the kit link will be lost

A kit need not align with the patterns, patterns are fixed, kits are available for use anywhere

The simplest way is to save the kit in A1 as another separate kit for A2 then load the kit in pattern A2 so each pattern is bound to a different kit


yes, kits and patterns are two seperate things… please read the manual topic about kits, patterns, projects and so on, it´ll be very rewarding to fully understand those concepts…or watch a video like:


I’m trying to link different kits to different patterns when sending external MIDI to the A4 (so I’ve empty patterns) and sometimes it doesn’t work, I load kit 1 to pattern one then switch patterns then when I switch back it won’t be kit 1 but whatever kit I used last.

I’d do this but it won’t stick. e.g. I’m on A1 which has kit 1, I switch to A2 and load kit 2, go to A1 then switch back to A2 and it’ll be kit 1 again!

I’m sure I’m doing something stupid, should I be adding empty trigs or something (I saw you mention that elsewhere)?

EDIT: I’ve read that I need to save the kit or it won’t be associated, that loading it is not enough.