Linking SP303 and Digitone?

Hi everyone,

Looking for tips from anyone who has MIDI linked their Digitone and SP303 or a similar sampler.

I’m hoping to sync bass notes/embellishments that I have created on Serum in Ableton while playing back my basic sequence on the Digitone (I’m most interested in loading these onto my sp303 as samples, rather than linking to Ableton).

I often arrange and sketch out my tracks on the Digitone, and then fill things out in Ableton, which makes the recordings sound fantastic, but the live performances a little tricky to arrange.

Any tips are appreciated, I’ve never linked any of my gear before.

I haven’t done it with a DN but OT and AR. The SP manual is pretty clear on it; the MIDI implementation is very barebones, so nothing to it really. Set up a midi track on the DN to send to the SP midi channel and program the pad notes. Easy peasy.