Little bit of MIDI help (yes again.. i am sorry)

yes… I’m back after a year or so with yet another MIDI help request lol.
okay, this time it’s not a HUGE issue.
I have not the most complicated of setups ATM, yet not really the simplest.
I have an OT MKii working as master sending clock/transport control and program change messages to 4 other devices.

It goes like this:

  1. OT MKii out to In of DT
  2. DT out to sp-404 MKii In
  3. DT Thru to DN In
  4. DN Thru to Minilouge XD In
  5. Minilouge XD Out to OT In
    That last one is so i can sequence whatever i play on the Minilouge XD via the OT MkII’s MIDI Sequencer.

All I’m trying to achieve here is to be able to ‘double tap stop’ on the OT to kill any long sustaining sounds/samples. but really that’s not relevant as the issue is when i double tap stop on OT it for whatever reasons resets my minilouge XD’s patch to the default patch on start up… patch 001.
When I’m trying to stay on whatever patch I’m working on for the particular song ie. patch 036 or what have you.

Can’t have none of that :smiley:

am i simply relegated to NOT using the OT’s STOP ALL (double tap stop) function?

I’ve done some surfing here on the forums and noticed this ‘issue’ in one form or another has been run across various times by others.
Both on the OT and the DT when using in conjunction with other gear.
I feel I’ve exhausted all possible sources of information regarding my particular issue here… manuals, forums, midi implementation charts etc. etc.
Shit I’ve even resorted to asking Chat GPT-4! LOL

I’m convinced it’s simply some basic setting on one or more of the other machines behind the Minilouge XD that I have to change and perhaps that will stop my particular issue here… but if’ I’m being completely honest here… I’m stumped… and feeling stupid.

Please know that any attempts to guide me in the right direction will be most appreciated :smiley:

Get an old cheap midi router. Like an MidiXpressXT pre computer for around $60
Use the “live keyboards” preset and plug all your gear in and set the channels.
Then the midi doesn’t have to go down the daisy chain.

That might work.

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I believe the OT is sending program change upon restart after double tapping.

Have you set the Program Change on the OT to something specific?

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Could be a midi conflict.
Using a midi splitter would fix it. Quadra Thru is cheap and probably one of the best little boxes I’ve ever bought.

yes. in fact i have.
to channel 11
should i not do that?

I mean on a midi track, not the preferences.
On the actual midi track you can set a program change with a knob.
That program change is attached to Parts.
What it’s set too, will change the program change number on synths.
The one in the preferences is for letting one elektron sequencer follow another.

The midi track from the OT that’s meant to control the Minilogue should have its program change set to 36 or what have you.
And the selected Part now controls that setting as well.

#facepalm…yes… i am stupid.
i did in fact have it set to 01
talk about #FaCePaLm
:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I set it to 36 (preset 037 on the minilouge XD) and it STAYS on the preset even after hitting double stop.
THANK YOU :clown_face:

Clearly it has been too long since iv’e been able to sit in front of my gear.
recently purchased myself a new electronic height control desk along with the 404mkii and only now getting around to actually trying to figure out how to wire everything up together.
I appreciate the help man…seriously.



I just got an Ocatrack, and have the SP-404 MKII too! How do you like using them together? I haven’t tried it yet.

After grappling with certain issues and receiving assistance from a wonderful group of individuals :wink: I found myself enjoying the process. However, things started feeling a bit too… convoluted for my liking. As a result, I decided to position my SP-404MKII conveniently by my bedside. This allowed me to tinker with it while watching YouTube videos and grabbing intriguing samples from the web to experiment with.

Later, I’d transfer whatever I created with this tool to my ‘little battstation’, trying to weave it into the fabric of the rest of my gear. I’ve observed that my workflow becomes significantly smoother when I limit my setup to my suite of Elektron boxes, with the Minilogue XD as the singular external influence. This strategy, I believe, helps me maintain a coherent and efficient setup.

However, I don’t underestimate the potential of the 404. I view it as an incredibly potent tool that serves as a sketchpad for my creative impulses. In fact, I’ve found that it allows for a higher degree of creativity compared to other devices like the OP-1, which, to be honest, I never really took a liking to.

However, if your setup primarily consists of the Octatrack MKII and the SP-404MKII, then the OT is poised to be an absolute game-changer. It will serve as a powerhouse, significantly amplifying your creative potential when using the 404. With these two devices, you’re equipped with a potent combination that not only broadens your creative horizons, but also offers a streamlined workflow, letting your imagination run wild while keeping your process efficient and manageable.