Live 10/11 doesn't see Overbridge plugs?

Hello! I’ve had overbridge working without any issues on my computer (Win10 latest updates) for some time, and something changed (guessing a live auto update?) and now Live 10/11 can’t see any of the overbridge VST plugins.
Here’s what I’ve tried

-Updated Overbridge (uninstall and re-install 2x)
-Updated Rytm OS
-Checked all file locations (they are correct)
-Pointed lives custom VST folders to the Elektron VST folders
-Test installed another VST plugin into the same folder, live recognizes it
-Tested standalone overbridge for Rytm, works no problem
-Works as system audio interface no issues
-Audio I/O and MIDI work in live
-I also tried all of this on my laptop with clean installs and have the exact same issue

I’m baffled. What am I doing wrong? Is it a bug that happens to be on both my systems?