Live Expressiveness

So I bought a tr8 prior to getting a md, now the tr8 collecting dust, but the one thing I really liked about it was the faders for controlling levels it just gives you a lot of options with bringing sounds in and out. With the machinedrum I’ve setup a CTR machine do manipulate levels in a similar way but its not really the same you cant just bring 4 tracks down and 1 up very easily so I end up basically just using mutes instead. Just wondering if anyone has found a controller or setup where you can manipulate the md like the tr8 or 707? My current mixer doesn’t have enough channels for this.

u know about the mute function trick, where u mute / unmute tracks several tracks if desired by letting go of FN ?

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Yea I currently use the mute functions often

Any MIDI device that can transmit MIDI Control Change messages on different MIDI channels can do this.

you could experiment with muting control machines…or use several different control machines and mute/unmute them.

I was thinking about the same issue lately…an option could be a cheap tablet, or a used ipad running touchOSC or lemur apps, if your setup include a pc. otherwise you can still do this adding a tablet/ipad compatible midi interface.

or if you have a velocity sensitive/aftertouch controller you can just CC your favorite MD controls to that.

There’s alos that crazy ass controller form linstruments…