Live performing - Pattern saves

Hi everyone.

I am getting deeper with the Syntakt and I’ve been practicing with it for a Live set.

I have a question that can’t figure it out.

I have a pattern chain, A-B-A-B. I play live with 1st A pattern, ie, CTRL All and give it a big reverb before the transition to B. Then I go back to A and it remember last played settings on the pattern instead of loading it fresh again.

Is there any way to disable this? I don’t want it to remember what I just did, I would like to load it again at the original saved state.

I tried pattern chains and song mode both with the same results…


Yeah, this is a shortcoming, I’ve seen folks spam FUNC + No through the pattern change to reload the previous state. Another approach would be locking the reverb and delay settings on the first step of the FX sequencer so it will return there on starting the pattern.

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Create a duplicate of the original A pattern and go to the duplicate after the B pattern.


Thank you guys.