Live Record mode automations ( CC 's ) to midi track in Ableton

So… it’s not possible ?

I’d like all the movement record to Ableton’s midi track, but it seems that when you have the movement already recorded in MC and replay the pattern the midi CC values are not being sent?
It records only the note triggers but not the knobs. Ableton sees the knobs movement when I move it manually, but the ones already recorded are not visible. Is it a bug ?

Welcome to the forum!

No, that’s how the instrument is designed to operate.

I see.

Do other elektron devices do that too ? Or is it possible in the expensive ones.

Model:Cycles, Model:Samples, Analog Four, and Analog Rytm are similarly limited in their MIDI sequencing capabilities.

Octatrack, Digitakt, Digitone, and Syntakt include fully-featured MIDI sequencer tracks. However, even they may not be very convenient for doing what you describe. The Elektron devices are generally best used as sequencers for their own sounds rather than as sound modules.

thank you