Live Recording Mode - Basic sequencer question

I’m brand new to the Digitone. Following along with Cuckoo’s mega tutorial (Digitone Mega Tutorial - YouTube)

He shows how to record a sequence in Live Recording mode at 17:00.

I’m following along, but one issue I’m noticing is that when I play in a part live and get to the end of the sequence, I don’t know how to stop without disrupting the sequence.

Here’s what I’m noticing: I record a part in the sequencer (length 4 pages - 64/64), and then when the pattern loops, I hear what I just played perfectly fine. But when I hit either the record button or stop in order to stop recording, it’s erasing the beginning of the sequence, almost as if I need to hit stop or record before the sequence runs through a full cycle - which is hard to do as what I’m playing goes to the very end of the pattern cycle.

So in live recording mode, how do I play something in without losing anything I just played? Do I need to stop recording before the sequence ends, in order for what I played at the beginning of the sequence to not get erased? What should I press when I’m done recording, record or stop?

Any tips are greatly appreciated!

I usually hit record to stop recording, this allows the sequence to keep playing.

If you stop playing notes/moving knobs just before the pattern loops it should avoid overwriting the start of the pattern

Sometimes I need to go in and edit the first or last trig if it’s not perfect